Psalm 54:1-7

To the director on stringed instruments. Masʹkil.* Of David. When the Ziphʹites came in and proceeded to say to Saul: “Is not David concealing himself with us?”+ 54  O God, by your name save me,+And with your mightiness may you plead my cause.+   O God, hear my prayer;+Do give ear to the sayings of my mouth.+   For there are strangers that have risen up against me,And tyrants that do seek my soul.+They have not set God in front of them.+ Seʹlah.   Look! God is my helper;+Jehovah* is among those supporting my soul.   He will repay the bad to my foes;+In your trueness* silence them.+   In willingness I will sacrifice to you.+I shall laud your name, O Jehovah, for it is good.+   For out of every distress he delivered me,+And upon my enemies my eye has looked.+


See 32:Sup ftn.
One of 134 scribal changes from YHWH to ʼAdho·naiʹ. See App 1B.
Or, “by your truth.”