Psalm 146:1-10

146  Praise Jah, YOU people!*+Praise Jehovah, O my soul.+   I will praise Jehovah during my lifetime.+I will make melody to my God as long as I am.+   Do not put YOUR trust in nobles,+Nor in the son of earthling man,* to whom no salvation belongs.+   His spirit* goes out,+ he goes back to his ground;+In that day his thoughts do perish.*+   Happy is the one who has the God* of Jacob for his help,+Whose hope is in Jehovah his God,+   The Maker of heaven and earth,+Of the sea, and of all that is in them,+The One keeping trueness to time indefinite,+   The One executing judgment for the defrauded ones,+The One giving bread to the hungry ones.+Jehovah is releasing those who are bound.+   Jehovah is opening [the eyes of] the blind ones;+Jehovah is raising up the ones bowed down;+Jehovah is loving the righteous ones.+   Jehovah is guarding the alien residents;+The fatherless boy and the widow he relieves,+But the way+ of the wicked ones he makes crooked.+ 10  Jehovah will be king to time indefinite,+Your God, O Zion, for generation after generation.+Praise Jah, YOU people!+


See 104:35 ftns.
“Earthling man.” Heb., ʼa·dhamʹ.
Or, “have perished; must perish.”
Or, “His breath.” Heb., ru·chohʹ; Gr., pneuʹma; Lat., spiʹri·tus.
“The one who has the God of.” Heb., she·ʼElʹ.