Isaiah 18:1-7
18 * Ha, country of buzzing wings, beyond the African rivers!
2 ** people who send couriers by sea, and in papyrus craft over the top of water: “Go, swift messengers, to a nation stretched and smoothed, to a people dreaded from itself onward, a nation of thew and trampling, whose country rivers cleave:
3 All inhabitants of the world and denizens of the earth, as at the raising of a mountaintop signal you are to see, and as at the blast of a ram-horn you are to hear.
4 * For Jehovah has said to me ‘I will be quiet and look in my abode, like glaring heat over light, like a dew-cloud in the heat of harvest.’
5 * For before harvest, when bloom is done and a flower becomes a growing grape, he will cut the tendrils with pruning-knives and slash off the canes;
6 * they will all together be left for the birds of the mountains and the beasts of the earth, and the birds shall summer on them and all beasts of the earth winter on them.
7 ** At that time a tribute will be brought to Jehovah of Armies from a people stretched and smoothed and from a people dreaded from itself onward, a nation of thew and trampling, whose country rivers cleave, to the place of the name of Jehovah of Armies, Mount Sion.”
^ 18:1 (buzzing) Unc.
^ 18:2 Lit. he who sends
^ 18:2 (thew) Unc.
^ 18:4 Var. on a day of harvest
^ 18:5 (slash) Unc.
^ 18:6 The Hebrew word here used for birds means properly birds of prey
^ 18:7 Var. of Armies, a people
^ 18:7 (thew) Unc.