Isaiah 2:1-22
2 The word that Isaiah the son of Amos beheld about Judah and Jerusalem.
2 * And in the future days the mountain of Jehovah’s house shall be set at the head of the mountains and lifted above hills, and all the nations shall stream to it.
3 And many peoples shall go and say “Come and let us go up to Jehovah’s mountain, to the house of the God of Jacob, to have him instruct us in ways of his that we may go in his paths,” because from Sion instruction shall go out and Jehovah’s word from Jerusalem.
4 And he shall give judgment between the nations and pronounce verdicts for many peoples, and they shall pound their swords into hoes and their spears into pruning-hooks; nation shall not take up sword against nation, and they shall never again learn war.
5 House of Jacob, come and let us walk in Jehovah’s light.
6 *** Because you have abandoned your people the house of Jacob because they are full of Beduin soothsaying methods and tell fortunes like the Philistines and mesmerize foreign children,
7 and their country is full of silver and gold and there is no end to their hoards, and their country is full of ponies and there is no end to their chariots,
8 and their country is full of trumpery gods, they do reverence to the work of their hands, to what their fingers have made,
9 ** therefore humanity is abased and men brought low;
10 ——
11 the eyes of human highness shall be brought low, and abased the loftiness of men, and Jehovah alone shall tower high on that day.
12 * For Jehovah of Armies has a day against everything proud and lofty and against everything stately and high,
13 and against all the lofty and stately cedars of the Lebanon and against all the oaks of the Bashan,
14 and against all the lofty mountains and against all the stately hills,
15 and against every high tower and against every battlemented wall,
16 * and against all Spain-ships and against all pleasure-barges;
17 and human highness shall be abased and the loftiness of men shall be brought low, and Jehovah alone shall tower high on that day,
18 and the trumpery gods shall pass out completely.
19 And they shall go into caves in the rocks and burrows in the ground from the dread of Jehovah and from the stateliness of his pride at his standing up to flutter the earth.
20 On that day men shall throw their trumpery gods of silver and of gold, that their fingers made to do reverence to, to the moles and the bats
21 to go into the cavities of the rocks and the clefts of the crags from the dread of Jehovah and from the stateliness of his pride at his standing up to flutter the earth.
22 * ——
^ 2:2 Var. Jehovah’s mountain shall
^ 2:6 (abandoned) Unc.; susp.
^ 2:6 Codd. are full from the east and tell
^ 2:6 (mesmerize) Unc.
^ 2:9 Or made; and humanity
^ 2:9-10 Var. adds do not uplift them (or do not pardon them). (10) Go into the rock and bury yourself in the ground from the dread of Jehovah and from the stateliness of his pride;
^ 2:12 (stately and high) Susp.; var. stately, and it shall be brought low Var. stately and low
^ 2:16 (last word) Unc.
^ 2:22 Var. adds verse 22 Leave off from man, who has a breath in his nostrils; for what is he to be rated at?