Watch Videos on Roku
You can watch any videos with full playback control (pause, rewind, fast forward, skip). Watch a single video or all the videos in a category or collection.
(Note: Your Roku remote may look different from the one shown in this tutorial.)
Find and Watch a Video
Select Video Categories from the top navigation of the home screen to see the available video categories. Navigate through the category menu by using the arrows on your remote. Press the OK button to select the highlighted category.
Some videos are listed in multiple categories. For example, the video The Prodigal Returns may be found in Movies, Family, and Teenagers.
Select the Shuffle option to play all the videos in a category continuously in random order.
Each category page contains multiple collections. Each row represents a video collection. The name of the collection appears above the row.
Use your remote to navigate collections:
Up and Down: Navigate to a different collection.
Left and Right: Scroll through the videos in a collection.
There are two ways to watch all the videos in a collection:
Select the Play All option to play all the videos in the collection, starting with the first one.
Select the Shuffle option to play all the videos in the collection in random order.
Note: Playback will stop when all the videos in the collection have been played.
Select a video to show the Video Details screen. Select one of the following actions on this screen:
Resume: This option displays only if you previously stopped the video without reaching the end. Selecting it resumes the video from where you left off watching.
Play or Play From Beginning: Play the video from the beginning.
Play With Subtitles: This option displays if subtitles are available for the current video. Selecting it plays the video with subtitles and also enables subtitles (when available) for all videos. To disable subtitles, select Play Without Subtitles.
Play All in the Collection: Play all the videos in the collection, starting with the current video. Playback will stop when all the videos in the collection have been played.
The row below the Video Details screen shows other videos in the current collection. Press Down to enter the collection row and Up to return to the Video Details screen.
Control Video Playback
When a video is playing, you can control the playback with your remote as follows:
Play/Pause: Pause the video. Press the button again to resume the video.
Right: Skip forward a few seconds. Hold the button down to move quickly through the video. When the video progress indicator reaches the spot you want to watch, press the Play button or the OK button.
Fast Forward: Automatically skip forward through the video. When the video progress indicator reaches the spot you want to watch, press the Play button or the OK button.
Left: Skip back a few seconds. Hold the button down to move quickly toward the beginning of the video. When the video progress indicator reaches the spot you want to watch, press the Play button or the OK button.
Rewind: Move quickly toward the beginning of the video. When the video progress indicator reaches the spot you want to watch, press the Play button or the OK button.
Back: Return to the Video Details screen.
Watch Featured or Latest Videos
The JW Broadcasting home screen lists two special video collections:
Featured: Videos of special interest, such as those featured in connection with our weekly meetings or family worship.
Latest Videos: The most recently added videos.