Rebuilding Your Friendship With Jehovah
EACH year, many precious sheep are reinstated in the Christian congregation. Imagine the great “joy in heaven” when each one returns! (Luke 15:7, 10) If you have been reinstated, you can be sure that Jesus, the angels, and Jehovah himself are delighted to see you take a stand for the truth again. Yet, as you rebuild your friendship with Jehovah, you may face challenges. What are some of them, and what can help you?
Many battle negative feelings after returning to the congregation. Perhaps you understand how King David felt. Even after being forgiven for his sins, he said: “My errors overwhelm me.” (Ps. 40:12; 65:3) After someone returns to Jehovah, feelings of guilt or shame may linger for years. Isabelle was disfellowshipped for over 20 years. * She said, “I found it very hard to accept the idea that Jehovah could forgive me.” If you get discouraged, you could again become spiritually weak. (Prov. 24:10) Try not to let that happen to you.
Others feel intimidated by the work involved in restoring their relationship with Jehovah. After reinstatement, Antoine said, “I felt that I had forgotten everything about my former life as a Christian.” Because of such feelings, some might hesitate to get fully involved in spiritual activities.
To illustrate, someone whose cherished home has been badly damaged by a hurricane may feel overwhelmed when he contemplates the time and effort needed to rebuild
it. Similarly, if your friendship with Jehovah was damaged by serious sin, you may feel that your spiritual restoration will require enormous effort. But help is available.Jehovah invites us: “Come, now, and let us set matters straight between us.” (Isa. 1:18) You have already worked hard to “set matters straight.” Jehovah loves you for making that effort. Just think: You have given Jehovah a basis for him to make a powerful reply to Satan’s accusations!—Prov. 27:11.
By doing this, you have already drawn closer to Jehovah, and he promises to reciprocate. (Jas. 4:8) However, more is involved than being recognized by others as someone who is again part of the congregation. You need to keep strengthening your love for your Father and Friend, Jehovah. How can you do this?
Try setting reasonable goals. Remember that your spiritual foundation—your knowledge about Jehovah and his promises for the future—likely remains intact. But you need to rebuild a structure of Christian living, and this includes preaching the good news and associating frequently with your brothers and sisters. Consider the following goals.
Talk to Jehovah often. Your Father understands that persistent feelings of guilt can make it difficult for you to pray to him. (Rom. 8:26) Nevertheless, “persevere in prayer,” telling Jehovah how much you want his friendship. (Rom. 12:12) Andrej remembers: “I felt tremendous guilt and shame. But after each prayer, those feelings lessened. I felt more peace of mind.” If you do not know what to pray for, consider the prayers of repentant King David that are recorded in Psalms 51 and 65.
Study the Bible regularly. This will nourish you spiritually and help your love for Jehovah to grow. (Ps. 19:7-11) “Not having a spiritual routine in the first place was the reason I became weak and let Jehovah down,” said Felipe. “I didn’t want to make the same mistake twice, so I decided to make personal study my protection.” You can do the same. If you need guidance to identify suitable topics for your personal study, why not ask a mature friend for help?
Rebuild your friendship with your brothers and sisters. Some who return to the congregation worry that others will view them negatively. Larissa admitted: “I was very ashamed. I felt that I had betrayed the congregation. These feelings stayed with me for a long time.” Be assured that the elders and other mature ones are eager to help you as you rebuild your spirituality. (See the box “ What Can Elders Do?”) They are delighted that you have returned, and they want you to do well!—Prov. 17:17.
What can draw you closer to the congregation? Get fully involved in what the brothers and sisters are doing—attending meetings and sharing regularly in field service. How will this help? Felix said: “The congregation was looking forward to my return. I felt valued. They all helped me to be part of a family again, to feel forgiven, and to move forward.”—See the box “ What Can You Do?”
Satan will continue to send your way more “hurricanes” to try to weaken you as you rebuild your friendship with Jehovah. (Luke 4:13) Be ready by strengthening your spiritual house now.
Regarding his sheep, Jehovah promises: “The lost one I will search for, the stray I will bring back, the injured I will bandage, and the weak I will strengthen.” (Ezek. 34:16) Jehovah has helped countless others who have experienced spiritual setbacks. Be assured that he wants to help you to keep building an ever stronger relationship with him.
^ par. 4 Names in this article have been changed.