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Jesus’ First Miracle

Jesus’ First Miracle

Chapter 15

Jesus’ First Miracle

IT HAS been only a day or two since Andrew, Peter, John, Philip, Nathanael, and perhaps James became Jesus’ first disciples. These now are on their way home to the district of Galilee, where all of them originated. Their destination is Cana, the hometown of Nathanael, located in the hills not far from Nazareth, where Jesus himself grew up. They have been invited to a wedding feast in Cana.

Jesus’ mother too has come to the wedding. As a friend of the family of the ones getting married, Mary appears to have been involved in ministering to the needs of the many guests. So she is quick to note a shortage, which she reports to Jesus: “They have no wine.”

When Mary thus, in effect, suggests that Jesus do something about the lack of wine, Jesus at first is reluctant. “What have I to do with you?” he asks. As God’s appointed King, he is not to be directed in his activity by family or friends. So Mary wisely leaves the matter in her son’s hands, simply saying to those ministering: “Whatever he tells you, do.”

Well, there are six large stone water jars, each of which can hold over ten gallons [40 L]. Jesus instructs those ministering: “Fill the water jars with water.” And the attendants fill them to the brim. Then Jesus says: “Draw some out now and take it to the director of the feast.”

The director is impressed by the fine quality of the wine, not realizing that it has been miraculously produced. Calling the bridegroom, he says: “Every other man puts out the fine wine first, and when people are intoxicated, the inferior. You have reserved the fine wine until now.”

This is the first miracle of Jesus, and on their seeing it, the faith of his new disciples is strengthened. Afterward, along with his mother and his half brothers, they travel to the city of Capernaum near the Sea of Galilee. John 2:1-12.

▪ When during Jesus’ ministry does the wedding in Cana occur?

▪ Why does Jesus object to his mother’s suggestion?

▪ What miracle does Jesus perform, and what effect does it have on others?