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Bearing Fruit With Endurance

Bearing Fruit With Endurance

Bearing Fruit With Endurance

This world offers little, if any, good news. Yet Jehovah has purposed that at this time good news concerning events of universal interest must be made known. According to Revelation 14:6, everlasting good news is to go out to “every nation and tribe and tongue and people.” As the one chiefly responsible for the contents of this good news, Jehovah is doing his part. We know that Christ Jesus and the holy angels are doing their part. And as shown in this world report, we here on earth, as members either of the remnant of anointed ones or of the great crowd, are doing our part in spreading this good news, which includes the command emphasized as our yeartext for 1989, “Fear God and give him glory.”​—Rev. 14:7.

It is well documented that on a global scale, we, as Jehovah’s Witnesses, are doing this unitedly, and as a result of God’s blessing, our efforts are bearing fruit. To glorify God by our productive spiritual activity is a unique privilege. We should not take it for granted, since one must be proved by God as fit to be entrusted with the good news. (1 Thess. 2:4) The apostle Paul at 2 Corinthians 2:14-17 also reminds us that we are sent by God in company with Christ to diffuse life-giving knowledge in every place. Maintaining our spiritual fitness for God’s service in order to be adequately qualified for this privilege brings many benefits.

Each year tens of thousands are baptized as all sorts of men come to an accurate knowledge of the truth. (1 Tim. 2:4) Just this past year, 263,855 were baptized in symbol of their dedication. This put a greater responsibility upon everyone to care for these sheep. Moreover, more congregations, or centers of pure worship, were established. There are now 60,192 congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses throughout the world. This is 2,522 more than the previous year.

Millions now realize that real benefits are found, not in gaining what the world offers, but in having a close relationship with Jehovah, as a disciple of Jesus Christ. (Matt. 16:26) By obeying and fearing God, we are benefiting ourselves, finding refreshment for our souls. (Isa. 48:17, 18; Matt. 11:28-30) Being fruitful ministers of the good news is a delight. God’s commandments are certainly not burdensome.​—1 John 5:3.

However, the wicked world under the Devil’s influence causes many problems. Jesus warned that this would be so. (John 16:33) Hence, spreading the truth is not always easy. Bible truth is not popular with those who have no godly fear. As foretold, “critical times hard to deal with” are here. (2 Tim. 3:1, 12, 13) This helps to explain why all of us have tests and trials of one kind or another.

This past year outright opposition and extreme persecution flared up in Burundi and Rwanda, as it has previously elsewhere in Africa. In other places, brothers suffered imprisonment and harassment. In 36 lands, despite bans they spread the good news, and it bore fruit. And what about those living in divided households? Many are abused or ridiculed by opposed family members or unbelieving marriage partners. In affluent countries, brothers come under subtle pressures from things in the world and from materialistic influences. (1 John 2:15-17) All of this has called for endurance.

Because Jehovah’s Witnesses endure and serve, even under difficult circumstances, the work moves ahead. Clearly this report proves that we do not give up, no matter what trials befall us! We truly are thankful to be among the ones who, “after hearing the word with a fine and good heart, retain it and bear fruit with endurance”!​—Luke 8:15.

How many brothers can you think of who have endured faithfully in serving God? There are literally thousands of them. They have not missed out on the rewards Jehovah promised. (Heb. 6:10-12) Certainly Jehovah will remember them, for they seek to endure in work that is good. (Rom. 2:6, 7) Their fine example serves as an encouragement to us. May we too keep on enduring trial, knowing that Jehovah has promised the crown of life to those who continue loving him. (Jas. 1:12) But even before gaining that prize, what rich blessings are being poured out for us now! The godly quality of endurance enables us to accomplish our ministry from day to day and year to year. Nothing can compare with our delight in doing God’s will now and having a bright, sure hope for the future. That is how the apostle Paul felt about it, and for this reason he encouraged Christians not to give up in doing what is fine.​—Gal. 6:9.

Our brothers who attended the conventions in Poland in August this past service year experienced a blessing beyond measure. (Mal. 3:10) For years, thousands in Eastern Europe had not had the opportunity to attend conventions in their own lands. Are they disappointed that they have not had advantages like those enjoyed by brothers in more favorable circumstances? Not at all! In fact, Jehovah made up for their not having certain privileges to which others are regularly accustomed. What has been worked out in their case? Paul expressed it well when he wrote: “Let us exult while in tribulations, since we know that tribulation produces endurance; endurance, in turn, an approved condition; the approved condition, in turn, hope, and the hope does not lead to disappointment.” (Rom. 5:3-5) Yes, the outcome of their endurance is divine approval and the fulfillment of their hope as they continue to be active and fruitful ministers.​—2 Pet. 1:5-8.

Truly, we have every reason to rejoice, yes, to exult in what Jehovah has done and is doing for his people. As demonstrated so powerfully at the “Godly Devotion” District Conventions, the oneness and unity of Jehovah’s people shows that they have his spirit. The anointed remnant are in union with Christ Jesus, the true vine. With an increasing great crowd today giving support, all of us can thus bear much fruit under the arrangement of the Great Cultivator, Jehovah. May we ever stay close to Jehovah and his Son, for apart from them we can do nothing at all.​—John 15:1-5.

As we serve together during this new service year, surely Jehovah will help us to keep on bearing fruit with endurance. Let us “be of good courage and say: ‘Jehovah is my helper.’”​—Heb. 13:6.

Your brothers,