Jehovah’s Witnesses Hold First Regional Convention in Rwandan Sign Language
From August 16 to 18, 2019, our brothers held the first regional convention in Rwandan Sign Language (RWS) in Kigali, Rwanda. The peak attendance was 620, and 8 deaf individuals were baptized.
The audience signing one of the Kingdom songs
Two public officials attended the convention on Sunday: Mr. Jean Damascène Bizimana, a member of the board of directors of the Rwanda National Union of the Deaf, and Mr. Emmanuel Ndayisaba, executive secretary of the National Council of Persons with Disabilities. Additionally, the Ukwezi newspaper covered the convention program on Sunday and published a positive report online.
A sister interprets the convention program for a deaf-blind individual using tactile signing
Mr. Bizimana commented: “This convention was excellent! To see deaf people from different areas of the country united together—thank you. We very much thank Jehovah’s Witnesses for supporting communication for the deaf. Government authorities should come to see such a unifying event and imitate it.”
Over the past two years, there have been two additional milestones in the RWS field. In September 2017, the Rwanda branch held the first Pioneer Service School in RWS. One year later, in September 2018, the branch officially began translating our publications into RWS.
Brother Jean d’Amour Habiyaremye, who served as the branch representative for the sign-language convention, stated: “We are very happy to see the progress in the RWS field, which includes this recent regional convention. The theme of the program, ‘Love Never Fails!’ is seen in practice with the way Jehovah’s Witnesses display love to all people, including deaf individuals.”
The progress in this sign-language field gives clear evidence of Jehovah’s continued rich blessing!—Psalm 67:1.