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Large waves crash near a road in southwestern Japan

OCTOBER 10, 2019

Typhoon Tapah Hits Southern Japan

Typhoon Tapah Hits Southern Japan

From September 21 to 23, 2019, Typhoon Tapah struck southern Japan with powerful winds and rain. The storm caused flight cancellations, railway suspensions, and left over 30,000 homes without electricity. In Okinawa and Kyushu, more than 50 people were injured.

The Japan branch office reports that five publishers were injured, including one sister who was hospitalized. Over 50 homes of our brothers sustained damage. A Disaster Relief Committee and responsible brothers are responding to the immediate physical and spiritual needs of the affected publishers. The Japan branch will continue to monitor the effects of this typhoon and provide needed support.

We pray that our brothers in Japan continue to rely on Jehovah for comfort during this trial.—Psalm 94:19.