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Brothers and sisters gather in multiple locations across Europe to enjoy the release of the book of Matthew in Kurdish Kurmanji and Kurdish Kurmanji (Caucasus)

JULY 11, 2023

The Book of Matthew Released in Kurdish Kurmanji and Kurdish Kurmanji (Caucasus)

The Book of Matthew Released in Kurdish Kurmanji and Kurdish Kurmanji (Caucasus)

On July 2, 2023, The Bible—The Good News According to Matthew was released in two Kurdish languages at two separate events. In Germany, the book was released in Kurdish Kurmanji. It was also released in Kurdish Kurmanji (Caucasus) in Georgia. Approximately 750 people attended the events.

Kurdish Kurmanji

Brother Dirk Ciupek, a member of the Central Europe Branch Committee, released the book of Matthew in Kurdish Kurmanji during a program that was held at the Central Europe branch office in Selters, Germany. Those in attendance received printed copies. A digital edition was also made available for download.

Kurdish Kurmanji (Caucasus)

At a program held in Tbilisi, Georgia, Brother Levani Kopaliani, a member of the Georgia Branch Committee, released the book of Matthew in Kurdish Kurmanji (Caucasus). Brothers and sisters in Aparan, Armavir, and Yerevan, Armenia, tied in via videoconference. Those in attendance received printed copies. A digital edition was also made available for download.

Kurdish Kurmanji and Kurdish Kurmanji (Caucasus) are similar languages but can differ in grammar and sentence structure. Additionally, while some words are spelled the same in both languages, they can have different meanings. Therefore, both translation teams cooperated closely to produce the book of Matthew in their respective languages. Commenting on the benefit of receiving this Bible book, one translator said: “For the many Kurds who thirst for the truth, this new translation will be as refreshing as drinking a glass of clean water.”

Along with our Kurdish Kurmanji- and Kurdish Kurmanji (Caucasus)-speaking brothers and sisters, we offer thanks and praise to Jehovah for opening the way for many more individuals to satisfy their spiritual need!—Matthew 5:3.