DECEMBER 6, 2024
Simplified Assembly Halls Help Thousands Throughout Africa to Benefit From Divine Education
On October 12, 2024, Jehovah’s Witnesses in Uganda held dedication programs for three new Assembly Halls. All three were constructed inside refugee camps in various parts of the country. These facilities were built as part of the Simplified Assembly Hall initiative, which began in 2018. This arrangement aids in quickly and economically building modest, dignified venues for conducting assemblies and conventions in remote areas. (2 Corinthians 8:13-15) Thousands of our brothers and sisters throughout Africa have benefited from this arrangement. Nearly 100 simplified Assembly Hall projects will have been completed by the end of 2024, and another 30 are planned for construction in 2025.
Simplified Assembly Hall designs can be adjusted according to local needs and circumstances. For example, some locations have a single weatherproof tent that can accommodate 650 people, while others have multiple tents and can seat about 2,000. These facilities provide protection from the elements and include audio and video equipment, a baptism pool, and a stage. A brother from Uganda recalled: “We used to meet outdoors, and when it rained, we got soaked. Sometimes, the rain was so intense that it forced us to find shelter elsewhere, causing us to miss parts of the spiritual program. Now, though, we can focus on and fully benefit from the entire program. We thank Jehovah for blessing us with this wonderful Assembly Hall!”
One brother in Angola noted further benefits of the Simplified Assembly Hall arrangement: “We used to spend days preparing temporary structures for each assembly and convention. Often, we were exhausted before the program even began. Now my family and I can focus on the spiritual program and enjoy warm association with our brothers and sisters.”
The demand for Assembly Halls continues to grow in many lands, with more than 100 needed in Africa alone. Similar facilities are also needed in parts of Central and South America. Therefore, training more local volunteers to learn new skills and assist with constructing these facilities is an integral part of the Simplified Assembly Hall arrangement. Brother Ben Pritchard, a member of the West Africa Branch Committee, commented: “Most of our brothers and sisters are not builders by trade. Nevertheless, they are willing and eager to learn the skills required to plan for and build these much-needed facilities. As it says in Philippians 4:13, Jehovah is strengthening them to accomplish this work.”
We are delighted to see the tremendous work being accomplished as part of the Simplified Assembly Hall arrangement. As the need for such facilities grows, we are confident that Jehovah will go on ‘energizing’ our brothers and sisters in support of this arrangement.—Philippians 2:13.