Theocratic Schools—Evidence of Jehovah’s Love
JEHOVAH is our “Grand Instructor.” (Isa. 30:20) Love motivates him to educate and train others. For example, moved by deep love, Jehovah shows Jesus “all the things he himself does.” (John 5:20) Love for us, his Witnesses, moves Jehovah to give us “the tongue of the taught ones,” as we put forth every effort to honor him and help others.—Isa. 50:4.
In imitation of Jehovah’s pattern of love, the Teaching Committee of the Governing Body uses ten theocratic schools to train ones who have both the desire and the circumstances to enroll. Do you view these schools as an evidence of Jehovah’s love?
Enjoy an overview of the current theocratic schools and comments from some who have attended them. Then ask yourself, ‘How can I benefit from this divine education?’
As “the God of love,” Jehovah provides training that adds meaning to our lives, prepares us to overcome challenges, and helps us to experience great joy in our ministry. (2 Cor. 13:11) Like first-century disciples, we are well-equipped to help others, “teaching them to observe all the things” we have been commanded.—Matt. 28:20.
Although we may not be able to attend all of these schools, we can benefit from one or more of them. And we can apply the Bible-based instruction thus available. We can also increase our effectiveness in the ministry by working alongside well-trained servants of Jehovah.
Ask yourself, ‘Do my circumstances allow me to reach out for attending any of these schools?’
Jehovah’s worshippers consider it a privilege to support these valuable schools and to be taught there. May the training you receive draw you closer to God and equip you to fulfill your responsibilities before him, especially the urgent commission to preach the good news.