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Warmly Welcome Them

Warmly Welcome Them

Warmly welcome whom? Anyone who attends our Christian meetings—from newcomers to longtime friends. (Ro 15:7; Heb 13:2) It could be a fellow believer visiting from another country or an inactive Christian attending for the first time in years. Imagine how you would feel in such circumstances. Would you not appreciate a warm greeting? (Mt 7:12) So why not make a greater effort to move about the Kingdom Hall and greet others before and after the meeting? This contributes to a warm and loving atmosphere and brings honor to Jehovah. (Mt 5:16) Of course, it will likely not be possible to speak personally with everyone present. Nevertheless, everyone will feel welcome if we all do our part. *

True hospitality is shown not just on special occasions like the Memorial but at all times. When newcomers see and experience Christian love in action, they may be moved to praise God and join us in pure worship.Joh 13:35.

^ par. 3 Bible principles limit our dealings with disfellowshipped or disassociated ones who may attend meetings.1Co 5:11; 2Jo 10.