Role Model—The Shulammite
Role Model—The Shulammite
The young Shulammite woman knows she needs to keep a clear head in matters of romance. “I have put you under oath,” she tells her companions, “that you try not to awaken or arouse love in me until it feels inclined.” The Shulammite knows that feelings can quickly overpower reason. She realizes, for instance, that others could pressure her to yield to the advances of someone who isn’t right for her. Even her own feelings could cloud good judgment. So the Shulammite remains like “a wall.”—Song of Solomon 8:4, 10.
Is your view of love as mature as that of the Shulammite? Can you listen to your head and not just your heart? (Proverbs 2:10, 11) Sometimes others might try to pressure you into a relationship before you’re ready for it. You might even bring such pressure upon yourself. For example, when you see a boy and girl walking hand in hand, do you feel desperate to have the same kind of relationship? Would you settle for someone who doesn’t share your Bible-based beliefs? The Shulammite girl was mature when it came to matters of romance. You can be too!