DECEMBER 9, 2024
Three Historical Exhibits Open at Canada Branch
In 2024, the Canada branch historical exhibits opened for tours. Two of the exhibits recount how the Bible’s message has spread in Canada. A third highlights how Bible Students worldwide were refined as a result of the tests they faced during the period from 1914 to 1919.
The exhibit “Light of Truth Brightens the Canadian Landscape” immerses visitors in the nearly 150-year history of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Canada. It features original artifacts that show the zealous preaching activity of courageous men and women who shared the Bible’s message over a vast territory. The exhibit also showcases how the Witnesses overcame cultural barriers through their translation efforts, including among Canada’s indigenous peoples.
Additionally, the exhibit features several life stories that highlight endurance in the face of severe obstacles, such as bans and imprisonment. Also presented are the inspiring landmark legal victories that preserved the Witnesses’ right to preach and guaranteed fundamental civil rights for all Canadians. After touring the exhibit, one brother remarked: “Seeing the photographs and learning about the experiences of the brothers and sisters who paved the way for true worship in Canada encourages me to imitate their courage and endurance in my own life.”
A display entitled “Battle of Quebec” recounts the intense persecution faced by Jehovah’s Witnesses in the province of Quebec during the 1940’s and 1950’s
The exhibit “The Word of Our God Endures Forever—The Bible in Canada” brings together a collection of Bibles that belonged to some of the early Bible Students who helped spread the good news throughout Canada. Passed down through multiple generations, these Bibles played a vital role in helping many become familiar with Bible truths in a variety of languages.
The exhibit includes several Bibles that are significant to Canadian history, such as an extremely rare edition of John Henry White’s Bible. This translation was the first complete Bible printed in Canada, and fewer than ten copies are known to exist. Also on display are original Bibles that illustrate the tireless efforts through the years to translate the Bible message into the indigenous languages of Inuktitut, Massachusett, Mi’kmaq, Mohawk, Ojibwa, and Western Cree.
Part of the exhibit “The Word of Our God Endures Forever—The Bible in Canada” features Bible translations in Canada’s indigenous languages as well as languages spoken by Canada’s early immigrant population
Finally, a special exhibit entitled “Courage to Stand Firm in a Time of Trial” describes the activities and steadfastness of the early Bible Students during the late 1800’s. It also recounts the many challenges they faced, starting during World War I in 1914 and continuing through 1919. The exhibit concludes by showing how these experiences refined and energized those faithful Bible Students for the work that lay ahead.
The exhibit “Courage to Stand Firm in a Time of Trial” features accounts of our brothers who were imprisoned for refusing to participate in compulsory military service during World War I
Brother Kevin Knaus, a member of the Canada Branch Committee, remarked: “These three exhibits highlight the rich spiritual heritage of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Canada. But more than that, they reaffirm that ‘the saying of Jehovah endures forever’ and tell how he continues making the good news available to all sorts of people.”—1 Peter 1:25.