NOVEMBER 25, 2024
2024 Special Preaching Campaigns in Canada Yield Rich Results
During August and September 2024, Jehovah’s Witnesses participated in several special preaching campaigns throughout Canada. These campaigns resulted in many outstanding experiences.
Northern Preaching Campaign
Over 800 of Jehovah’s Witnesses participated in a special preaching campaign in Canada’s Far North. Brothers and sisters traveled to either Iqaluit, Nunavut; Yellowknife, Northwest Territories; or Whitehorse, Yukon. Once at those locations, they were divided into groups and then flew to 39 remote towns and villages inaccessible by road. Witness pilots from Canada and the United States volunteered their aircraft and services. During the campaign, 275 individuals expressed interest in having a Bible study. Arrangements were made to continue these studies over the phone or via videoconference.
A brother from the United States prepares to fly a couple to their preaching assignment along the Mackenzie River (shown in the background) in the Northwest Territories of Canada
In Yellowknife, a sister started a friendly conversation with the hotel concierge where her group was staying. The hotel concierge expressed sadness about world conditions. Our sister used that opportunity to introduce the Enjoy Life Forever! brochure and share the Bible’s hope for a better future. The young woman was anxious to learn more about these promises, so arrangements were made to continue the discussions via videoconference.
Campaigns in Multiple Languages
In three Canadian cities, nearly 600 brothers and sisters participated in four preaching campaigns: Arabic in Montreal, Chinese Mandarin and Persian in Vancouver, and Punjabi in Brampton, near Toronto. Over 100 people accepted the offer of a Bible study during these campaigns.
While working from house to house in Montreal, two sisters knocked at the home of a young Arabic woman who had just been praying to God to help her understand why life is so difficult. After the sisters read Revelation 21:4 and explained God’s promise to do away with pain and suffering, the young woman was moved to tears. She gladly accepted the Enjoy Life Forever! brochure and was eager to begin a study.
While traveling on a bus in Vancouver, two sisters met a woman from Iran. She was very pleased when the sisters greeted her in Persian. The woman mentioned that she had started reading the Bible some 15 years earlier; however, she found it difficult to understand. The sisters explained how our Bible study program could help her learn more about God’s Word. The woman enthusiastically agreed to meet with them the next day and began studying.
We are excited to hear of these good results and are confident that Jehovah appreciates the self-sacrificing efforts of our brothers and sisters who participated in these campaigns.—Psalm 110:3.