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“Everybody Should Read This Book”

“Everybody Should Read This Book”

“Everybody Should Read This Book”


Beginning in the summer of 2003, the book Learn From the Great Teacher was released in scores of languages at conventions throughout the world. As in other places, in Poland the response to receiving this beautifully illustrated book was remarkable. Although it is designed especially for young children, letters from teenagers and adults have indicated that the book has wide appeal. Here are some excerpts.

“My name is Agata, and I am eight. When I got this book, I immediately felt how much Jehovah cares about me. The chapter I like most is number 7, ‘Obedience Protects You.’ I have not always obeyed my parents, but now I know I have to change because Jehovah loves obedient children.”

Marlena, a 13-year-old girl, writes with admiration: “I know that this publication is meant for younger children, but I believe it appeals to everybody. Reading it strengthens my faith in Jehovah and Jesus. Even complicated things are explained in a simple way. I just can’t put it down. And these pictures! The questions accompanying them will arouse the curiosity of young hearts! The book is wonderful, so I am reading it carefully. Thank you very much.”

Justyna, a 15-year-old girl, says how absorbing she has found the book to be: “The chapters I have read have fascinated me so much that I want to give you my heartfelt thanks for this beautiful and instructive gift. I think that everybody should read this book​—even older people. The examples given in it are simple and understandable enough, it seems to me, for even a one-year-old child. And the pictures speak for themselves. Anyway, it is impossible to express in words what I feel when I am reading the book.”

Eunika too expresses her gratitude for this publication. Although she is 19, she read the new book eagerly and says that she found it to be “practical for teenagers.” She also writes: “It contains valuable advice for everyday life​—at home, at school, and in the congregation. Thank you for this gift.”

Maria, a happy mother of one-year-old Oliwia, having observed her daughter’s reaction to the colorful pictures, says: “I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for this unique help for teaching children. Our Oliwia cannot take her eyes off the book. She sits on our laps and wants us to tell her what is in this or that chapter. She took a special liking to the picture on page 83, showing two girls of different skin color embracing. Other pictures look so real that she touches them, hugs them, and smiles at them.”

Maria also emphasizes the educational value of the book: “It addresses serious issues concerning sex (pages 58-60) and child abuse (pages 170-1). It is a fine help for parents who want to rear their children wisely in today’s evil world where so many dangers lurk.”

It is the hope of the publishers of Learn From the Great Teacher that the book will also help you and your children to benefit from the teachings delivered to mankind almost 2,000 years ago by the Great Teacher, Jesus Christ.

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Maria and Oliwia

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