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Acts of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Modern Times

Acts of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Modern Times

Acts of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Modern Times


Spies, informers, false brothers, torture, imprisonment, and forced labor​—these were some of the means that Satan used in his failed attempts to crush the spirit of Jehovah’s Witnesses individually and to shatter their organization in Romania. Read about Ioan, who prayed aloud before a firing squad. Meet Teodor, who along with other Witnesses sang Kingdom songs as bombs rained down around them. Learn of individuals who walked barefoot up to 65 miles [100 km] to attend meetings. And find out why a little boy exclaimed, “Daddy, you smell like the daily text!”


Governmental bans, the deportation of missionaries, and expulsion from school​—these were some challenges that our brothers faced in Zambia. In this account you will learn about a schoolgirl who courageously defended the good news in court, a disabled refugee who moved “faster than eagles,” and an early Bible Student who was lashed with a whip. Read about a burning Land Rover, an exploding anthill, and a meeting place that looked like a black horse. Mosquitoes, tsetse flies, snakes, and lions are all part of the story of how our brothers have labored to proclaim the good news throughout this beautiful African land.