Outline of Contents PLAY 1 Israelites multiply in Egypt (1-7) Pharaoh oppresses the Israelites (8-14) God-fearing midwives save lives (15-22) 2 Birth of Moses (1-4) Pharaoh’s daughter adopts Moses (5-10) Moses flees to Midian and marries Zipporah (11-22) God hears Israelites’ groaning (23-25) 3 Moses and the burning thornbush (1-12) Jehovah explains His name (13-15) Jehovah instructs Moses (16-22) 4 Three signs for Moses to perform (1-9) Moses feels inadequate (10-17) Moses returns to Egypt (18-26) Moses reunites with Aaron (27-31) 5 Moses and Aaron before Pharaoh (1-5) Oppression grows (6-18) Israel blames Moses and Aaron (19-23) 6 Promise of freedom renewed (1-13) Jehovah’s name not fully known (2, 3) Genealogy of Moses and Aaron (14-27) Moses again to appear before Pharaoh (28-30) 7 Jehovah strengthens Moses (1-7) Aaron’s rod becomes a big snake (8-13) Plague 1: water turned into blood (14-25) 8 Plague 2: frogs (1-15) Plague 3: gnats (16-19) Plague 4: gadflies (20-32) Goshen not affected (22, 23) 9 Plague 5: death of livestock (1-7) Plague 6: boils on man and beast (8-12) Plague 7: hail (13-35) Pharaoh to see God’s power (16) Jehovah’s name to be declared (16) 10 Plague 8: locusts (1-20) Plague 9: darkness (21-29) 11 Tenth plague announced (1-10) Israelites to ask for gifts (2) 12 Institution of Passover (1-28) Blood to be splashed on doorposts (7) Plague 10: firstborn killed (29-32) The Exodus begins (33-42) End of 430 years (40, 41) Instructions for Passover participation (43-51) 13 Every firstborn male belongs to Jehovah (1, 2) Festival of Unleavened Bread (3-10) Every firstborn male devoted to God (11-16) Israel directed toward the Red Sea (17-20) Pillar of cloud and of fire (21, 22) 14 Israel reaches the sea (1-4) Pharaoh pursues Israel (5-14) Israel crosses the Red Sea (15-25) Egyptians drown in the sea (26-28) Israel puts faith in Jehovah (29-31) 15 Moses and Israel’s victory song (1-19) Miriam sings in response (20, 21) Bitter water made sweet (22-27) 16 People murmur about food (1-3) Jehovah hears the murmurings (4-12) Quail and manna provided (13-21) No manna on the Sabbath (22-30) Manna kept as a reminder (31-36) 17 Complaint about lack of water at Horeb (1-4) Water from a rock (5-7) Amalekites’ attack and defeat (8-16) 18 Jethro and Zipporah arrive (1-12) Jethro’s advice to appoint judges (13-27) 19 At Mount Sinai (1-25) Israel to be a kingdom of priests (5, 6) People sanctified to meet God (14, 15) 20 The Ten Commandments (1-17) Spectacle causes Israel to fear (18-21) Instructions about worship (22-26) 21 Judicial decisions for Israel (1-36) On Hebrew slaves (2-11) On violence done to a fellow man (12-27) On animals (28-36) 22 Judicial decisions for Israel (1-31) On theft (1-4) On damages to crops (5, 6) On compensation and ownership (7-15) On seduction (16, 17) On worship and social justice (18-31) 23 Judicial decisions for Israel (1-19) On honest and just behavior (1-9) On sabbaths and festivals (10-19) Angelic guidance for Israel (20-26) Land acquisition and boundaries (27-33) 24 People agree to keep the covenant (1-11) Moses on Mount Sinai (12-18) 25 Contributions for the tabernacle (1-9) The Ark (10-22) The table (23-30) The lampstand (31-40) 26 The tabernacle (1-37) The tent cloths (1-14) Panel frames and socket pedestals (15-30) The curtain and the screen (31-37) 27 Altar of burnt offering (1-8) The courtyard (9-19) Oil for the lampstand (20, 21) 28 Priestly garments (1-5) The ephod (6-14) The breastpiece (15-30) Urim and Thummim (30) The sleeveless coat (31-35) The turban with the golden plate (36-39) Other priestly garments (40-43) 29 Installation of priests (1-37) The daily offering (38-46) 30 Incense altar (1-10) Census and money for atonement (11-16) Copper basin for washing (17-21) Special mixture of anointing oil (22-33) Holy incense formula (34-38) 31 Craftsmen filled with God’s spirit (1-11) Sabbath, a sign between God and Israel (12-17) The two stone tablets (18) 32 Worship of the golden calf (1-35) Moses hears strange singing (17, 18) Moses smashes the law tablets (19) Levites loyal to Jehovah (26-29) 33 God’s message of reproof (1-6) Tent of meeting outside the camp (7-11) Moses asks to see Jehovah’s glory (12-23) 34 New stone tablets prepared (1-4) Moses sees Jehovah’s glory (5-9) Details of the covenant repeated (10-28) Moses’ face emits rays (29-35) 35 Sabbath instructions (1-3) Contributions for the tabernacle (4-29) Bezalel and Oholiab filled with spirit (30-35) 36 More than enough contributed (1-7) Construction of the tabernacle (8-38) 37 Making the Ark (1-9) The table (10-16) The lampstand (17-24) The altar of incense (25-29) 38 The altar of burnt offering (1-7) The copper basin (8) The courtyard (9-20) Inventory of tabernacle materials (21-31) 39 Making the priestly garments (1) The ephod (2-7) The breastpiece (8-21) The sleeveless coat (22-26) Other priestly garments (27-29) The golden plate (30, 31) Moses inspects the tabernacle (32-43) 40 Setting up the tabernacle (1-33) Jehovah’s glory fills the tabernacle (34-38) Previous Next Print Share Share Exodus—Outline of Contents BIBLE BOOKS Exodus—Outline of Contents English Exodus—Outline of Contents https://cms-imgp.jw-cdn.org/img/p/1001070000/univ/art/1001070000_univ_sqr_xl.jpg nwtsty Exodus Copyrights for this publication Copyright © 2025 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. 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