Psalm 64:1-10
To the director. A melody of David.
64 Hear my voice, O God, as I plead.+
Safeguard my life from the dreadfulness of the enemy.
2 Shield me from the secret plots of wicked men,+From the crowd of wrongdoers.
3 They sharpen their tongue just like a sword;They aim their cruel words like arrows,
4 To shoot at the innocent from their hiding places;They shoot at him suddenly, without fear.
5 They hold fast to their evil intent;*They discuss how to hide their traps.
They say: “Who will see them?”+
6 They search out new ways of wrongdoing;They secretly devise their shrewd strategy;+The thinking within each one’s heart is unfathomable.
7 But God will shoot at them;+Suddenly they will be wounded by an arrow.
8 Their own tongue will cause their downfall;+All those looking on will shake their head.
9 Then all men will become afraid,And they will proclaim what God has done,And they will have insight into his deeds.+
10 The righteous one will rejoice in Jehovah and take refuge in him;+All the upright in heart will exult.*