John 14:27—“Peace I Leave With You”
“I leave you peace; I give you my peace. I do not give it to you the way that the world gives it. Do not let your hearts be troubled nor let them shrink out of fear.”—John 14:27, New World Translation.
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be fearful.”—John 14:27, American Standard Version.
Meaning of John 14:27
With these words, Jesus warmly reassured his apostles that they did not have to be overly worried when they faced adversity. Like him, they could maintain inner peace, with God’s help.
What kind of peace did Jesus leave, or give, his apostles? Jesus gave them his peace, that is, the same peace that he experienced. This peace was not the absence of conflict or tribulation. (John 15:20; 16:33) Although Jesus experienced unjust treatment that would end in his execution, he had peace of mind and heart. (Luke 23:27, 28, 32-34; 1 Peter 2:23) He experienced an inner calm because he knew that he had the love and approval of his Father, Jehovah. a—Matthew 3:16, 17.
Jesus gave his apostles peace by assuring them that both he and his Father loved them and approved of them. (John 14:23; 15:9, 10; Romans 5:1) This peace, based on their faith in Jesus as God’s Son, served to calm their fears and concerns. (John 14:1) Even though Jesus would no longer physically be with them, he promised that God’s holy spirit would help them to have confidence and inner peace. (John 14:25-27) Jesus’ followers could face challenging situations with courage, knowing that they had Jehovah’s approval and support.—Hebrews 13:6.
When Jesus was on earth, people customarily wished one another peace as a part of their greeting. (Matthew 10:12, 13) Yet, Jesus did not just wish his apostles peace; he gave them peace. Furthermore, the peace that Jesus gave them is different from any peace that the world b may give. The world can give a measure of peace through relationships, wealth, fame, or position. But Jesus’ peace does not depend on external factors. It is a lasting inner peace.
Context of John 14:27
Jesus spoke these words to his faithful apostles on the night before his death. That night, he told them that he would soon leave them. (John 13:33, 36) This grieved his apostles. (John 16:6) So Jesus reassured them, giving them reason not to be troubled over his departure.
Jesus’ words can likewise encourage Christians today. We too can have peace. (2 Thessalonians 3:16) When we become Jesus’ disciples, we learn that we are loved and approved by him and his Father, Jehovah. (Colossians 3:15; 1 John 4:16) As a result, we do not have to be overly anxious. Why? Because we have God on our side.—Psalm 118:6; Philippians 4:6, 7; 2 Peter 1:2.
Watch this short video to see an overview of the book of John.
a Jehovah is the personal name of God. (Psalm 83:18) See the article “Who Is Jehovah?”
b In the Bible, the term “world” can refer to human society separated from God.
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