Oiemu Lalokau Tauna ta Ia Mase Neganai

Has someone you love died? Do you need help in dealing with your grief?

Hamatamaia Hereva

This publication provides the bereaved with comfort from the Scriptures.

“Lasi! Unai be Maoro Lasi!”

Unexpected tragedies strike families throughout the world every day.

Inai Mamina be Vaia Taunimanima Edia, A?

When you have suffered the loss of a dear one, is it wrong to express your grief?

Edena Bamona Egu Tai Karana Lau Haheaukalaia Diba?

Should you hold it in, or let it out?

Ma Haida be Edena Bamona Idia Heduru Diba?

Discerning friends may need to take the initiative to effectively comfort a bereaved one.

Mase Taudia Edia Helaro Momokanina

The thought of never again being able to talk to, laugh with, or hold your loved one can be most difficult to bear. Yet the Bible holds out hope.