JULY 5, 2023
New Theocratic School Facility Dedicated in Madagascar
The dedication of a new Bible school facility in Antananarivo, Madagascar, took place at a nearby Kingdom Hall on May 27, 2023. Brother Kenneth Cook, Jr., a member of the Governing Body, delivered the dedication talk entitled “A Building of Praise to Jehovah.” The following day, a special program was held at a local Assembly Hall and was broadcast to an audience of more than 45,000.
Brother Kenneth Cook, Jr., (left) delivering the dedication talk with an interpreter
Beginning in December 1999, theocratic schools were held at the branch in Madagascar. However, gradually the space became inadequate to accommodate the many brothers and sisters who made themselves available to receive additional training. In July 2020, a 1,348-square-meter (14,510-sq-ft) property located within walking distance of the branch was purchased. Construction on the school facility began shortly thereafter. Despite restrictions brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, the project was completed in just under two years. The property consists of one building to host theocratic schools and another building to house students and instructors. Classes of the School for Kingdom Evangelizers and the School for Circuit Overseers and Their Wives will be conducted at this location.
As theocratic training increases, the education it provides will further equip our brothers and sisters to “explain spiritual matters with spiritual words.”—1 Corinthians 2:13.