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A pioneer couple, Brother and Sister Mudaheranwa, on their way to work

APRIL 6, 2020

Peace In a Time of Panic

Peace In a Time of Panic

Brother Jean-Yves and his wife, Vasthie Mudaheranwa, are on the front lines of the coronavirus pandemic in Montreal, Canada. Brother Mudaheranwa is a respiratory therapist at a community hospital, and Sister Mudaheranwa works as a nurse at a designated COVID-19 treatment center. During this time of great emotional tension, they are drawing strength from Jehovah and benefiting from “the good condition of the heart” Jehovah promised.—Isaiah 65:14.

“Many of my colleagues seem really scared, like I’ve never seen before,” Brother Mudaheranwa says. “Personal study helps a lot,” Sister Mudaheranwa says. “We reflect on the sign of the last days, and we remind ourselves that Jehovah is with us and will not let us down. Prayer plays a big part too. Before I go to work and start my day, I pray and I have peace.”

The Mudaheranwas participate in a congregation meeting

“I’m from Rwanda, and I lived through the genocide,” Brother Mudaheranwa explains. “In Canada, we have never had anything like that, so sometimes we can forget that we are living in the last days. I have to admit, that even for me, the day of Jehovah wasn’t always as close in mind as it should be. The pandemic has strengthened my conviction that we are living in the last days, and it has strengthened my faith in the Bible and in the Bible’s prophecies.”

Brother and Sister Mudaheranwa’s conviction is being echoed around the world as Jehovah’s people continue to have peace during this crisis.—Isaiah 48:18.