MAY 6, 2022
Renovation of Brazil Branch Underway
A major renovation project is underway at the Brazil branch, located 140 kilometers (87 mi) west of the city of São Paulo. The objectives are to upgrade the Bethel facilities and replace building materials and finishes. Renovating an existing Bethel facility presents unique challenges. The work must be planned and implemented in a way that does not interrupt branch operations. For example, Bethelites must stay in temporary accommodations while their rooms are being refurbished. It is estimated that the project will be completed within five years.
The brothers will renovate an area of approximately 75,000 square meters (807,293 sq ft), including all of the offices and 650 residence rooms. The upgrades will help make the branch facilities more adaptable and efficient. For example, the offices will have demountable walls to allow these spaces to be quickly modified as needs change. A limited kitchen area will be added to each residence room, and sufficient laundry space will be provided. Modern, environmentally friendly appliances will be installed to significantly reduce the branch’s consumption of water and energy.
The brothers and sisters who have volunteered to work on the project will live in temporary accommodations on the branch property. These include a storage building that has been converted to accommodate 25 residences. Additionally, 91 shipping containers have been transformed into temporary residences located on the Bethel farm adjacent to the branch facility.
Shipping containers converted into temporary accommodations for volunteers
Brother Joel Grigor, a construction servant working on the project, said: “We have seen how Jehovah’s organization is not only accomplishing this task but also training his people. Many of the volunteers arrived with little or no construction experience, but now, with all the training they have received, they are training others.”
We are confident that Jehovah will richly bless his people as they “offer themselves willingly” in this and other theocratic building projects.—Psalm 110:3.