Become Jehovah’s Friend Song 2—Jehovah Is Your Name PLAY Song 2—Jehovah Is Your Name Jehovah’s name has so much meaning. Let’s sing it out loud! Sorry, the media player failed to load. Download This Video You May Also Like BECOME JEHOVAH’S FRIEND—ACTIVITIES Sing a Song to Jehovah! After making this pop-up page, sing along and memorize the song entitled “Jehovah Is Your Name.” VIDEOS Learn From Jehovah’s Friends Learn lessons from different characters in the Bible who became Jehovah’s friends! BIBLE TEACHINGS Videos and Activities for Children Use these Bible-based videos and fun learning activities to teach your children spiritual values. Print Share Share Song 2—Jehovah Is Your Name BECOME JEHOVAH’S FRIEND—SING WITH US Jehovah Is Your Name (Song 2) English Jehovah Is Your Name (Song 2)