What Really Determines Your Future?
Many people believe that some unseen force controls their future. Based on this belief, they follow practices that they feel will improve their personal prospects.
ASTROLOGY: Some people believe that their future is fixed based on the way the stars were lined up at the moment of their birth. They consult astrological forecasts, or horoscopes, to find out what will befall them and then act to avoid harm or find success.
FENG SHUI: Others believe that the key to success is to bring their surroundings into harmony with unseen forces in nature. Lo Wing, * who lives in Hong Kong, says, “A feng shui master told me that putting a special crystal in a designated place in my store would help me earn more money.”
ANCESTOR WORSHIP: Still others believe that they must appease dead ancestors or various deities to gain their protection and blessing. Van, who lives in Vietnam, says, “I believed that by paying homage to my ancestors, I would enjoy a better life now and a secure future for me and my children.”
REINCARNATION: Many view existence as an endless cycle of life, death, and rebirth. They believe that the good or bad they experience now is the result of events in a previous life.
Many, though, consider such beliefs as superstition. Yet, they still dabble in palmistry, horoscopes, Ouija® boards, tarot cards, and the like. They feel that perhaps there is a chance that such practices can help them know their future.
Have those who trust in such beliefs and practices found a good life and a secure future?
Consider the experience of Hào, who lives in Vietnam. He turned to astrology, feng shui, and ancestor worship to guide him. Did he find success? Hào says, “I failed in my business, fell into debt, faced family conflicts, and was emotionally wrecked.”
Qiuming, from Taiwan, likewise believed in astrology, reincarnation, fate, feng shui, and ancestor worship. After examining these subjects carefully, he said: “I realized that such teachings and customs are in conflict with each other and are confusing. I found that the astrological predictions were often incorrect. As for reincarnation, if you have no memory of your previous life, how can you change and do better in the next life?”
“I realized that such teachings and customs are in conflict with each other and are confusing.”—QIUMING, TAIWAN
As Hào, Qiuming, and many others have come to realize, our future is not determined by fate, the stars, deceased ancestors, or rebirth. Does this mean that we have no control over our future?
Many feel that the way to guarantee a better future is for them to pursue higher education and wealth. What have been the results for some who have made that choice?
^ par. 5 In this article and the ones that follow, some names have been changed.
^ par. 16 This statement is found in the Holy Bible at Galatians 6:7. The thought is expressed in such popular Oriental sayings as Plant melons, you’ll get melons; plant beans, you’ll get beans.