What Is Done at a Branch Office?
Bethel family members serve in a variety of departments, caring for the preaching activity in one or several countries. They may serve on translation teams, print magazines, bind books, warehouse literature, do audio/video production, or care for other matters for the region.
A Branch Committee oversees the activity. The Governing Body entrusts the operation of each branch office to a Branch Committee made up of three or more well-qualified elders. The committee keeps the Governing Body informed of the progress of the activity in each land under that committee’s jurisdiction and of any problems that may arise. Such reports help the Governing Body to decide what subjects should be considered in future publications and at meetings and assemblies. Representatives of the Governing Body are sent out regularly to visit the branches and provide guidance for the Branch Committees in handling their assignments. (Proverbs 11:14) A special program including a talk by the headquarters representative is arranged for the encouragement of those living in the branch territory.
Support is given to the local congregations. Responsible brothers at the branch office approve the formation of new congregations. Brothers also direct the activity of the pioneers, missionaries, and circuit overseers who serve in the branch territory. They organize assemblies and conventions, coordinate the construction of new Kingdom Halls, and see that literature is shipped to the congregations to supply their needs. Everything done at a branch contributes to the orderly accomplishment of the preaching work.—1 Corinthians 14:33, 40.
How do Branch Committees assist the Governing Body?
What responsibilities are cared for at a branch office?