Romans 11:1-36

11  Λέγω I am sayingοὖν, therefore,μὴ notἀπώσατο pushed from selftheθεὸς Godτὸν theλαὸν peopleαὐτοῦ; of him?μὴ Notγένοιτο· may it occur;καὶ alsoγὰρ forἐγὼ IἸσραηλείτης Israeliteεἰμί, I am,ἐκ out ofσπέρματος seed᾿Αβραάμ, of Abraham,φυλῆς of tribeΒενιαμείν. of Benjamin. 2  οὐκ Notἀπώσατο pushed from selftheθεὸς Godτὸν theλαὸν peopleαὐτοῦ of himὃν whomπροέγνω. he foreknew.Orοὐκ notοἴδατε have YOU knownἐν inἨλείᾳ Elijahτί whatλέγει is sayingtheγραφή, Scripture,ὡς asἐντυγχάνει he is happening onτῷ to theθεῷ Godκατὰ down onτοῦ theἸσραήλ; Israel? 3  Κύριε, Lord,τοὺς theπροφήτας prophetsσου of youἀπέκτειναν, they killed,τὰ theθυσιαστήριά altarsσου of youκατέσκαψαν, they dug down,κἀγὼ and Iὑπελείφθην was left underμόνος, alone,καὶ andζητοῦσιν they are seekingτὴν theψυχήν soulμου. of me. 4  ἀλλὰ Butτί whatλέγει is sayingαὐτῷ to himtheχρηματισμός; divine pronouncement?Κατέλιπον I left downἐμαυτῷ to myselfἑπτακισχιλίους seven thousandἄνδρας, male persons,οἵτινες whoοὐκ notἔκαμψαν bentγόνυ kneeτῇ to theΒάαλ. Baal. 5  οὕτως Thusοὖν thereforeκαὶ alsoἐν inτῷ theνῦν nowκαιρῷ appointed timeλίμμα something left overκατ’ according toἐκλογὴν choosingχάριτος of undeserved kindnessγέγονεν· has come to be; 6  εἰ ifδὲ butχάριτι, to undeserved kindness,οὐκέτι not yetἐξ out ofἔργων, works,ἐπεὶ sincetheχάρις undeserved kindnessοὐκέτι not yetγίνεται is becomingχάρις. undeserved kindness. 7  τί Whatοὖν; therefore?which (thing)ἐπιζητεῖ is seeking uponἸσραήλ, Israel,τοῦτο thisοὐκ notἐπέτυχεν, he happened upon,theδὲ butἐκλογὴ choosingἐπέτυχεν· happened upon;οἱ theδὲ butλοιποὶ leftover (ones)ἐπωρώθησαν, were made callous, 8  καθάπερ according to which (things) evenγέγραπται it has been writtenἜδωκεν Gaveαὐτοῖς to themtheθεὸς Godπνεῦμα spiritκατανύξεως, of deep sleep,ὀφθαλμοὺς eyesτοῦ of theμὴ notβλέπειν to be lookingκαὶ andὦτα earsτοῦ of theμὴ notἀκούειν, to be hearing,ἕως untilτῆς theσήμερον todayἡμέρας. day. 9  καὶ AndΔαυεὶδ Davidλέγει is sayingΓενηθήτω Let becometheτράπεζα tableαὐτῶν of themεἰς intoπαγίδα snareκαὶ andεἰς intoθήραν trapκαὶ andεἰς intoσκάνδαλον fall-causerκαὶ andεἰς intoἀνταπόδομα retributionαὐτοῖς, to them, 10  σκοτισθήτωσαν let be darkenedοἱ theὀφθαλμοὶ eyesαὐτῶν of themτοῦ of theμὴ notβλέπειν, to be looking,καὶ andτὸν theνῶτον backαὐτῶν of themδιὰ throughπαντὸς all [time]σύνκαμψον. bend together. 11  Λέγω I am sayingοὖν, therefore,μὴ notἔπταισαν they stumbledἵνα in order thatπέσωσιν; they might fall?μὴ Notγένοιτο· may it occur;ἀλλὰ butτῷ to theαὐτῶν of themπαραπτώματι falling besidetheσωτηρία salvationτοῖς to theἔθνεσιν, nations,εἰς intoτὸ theπαραζηλῶσαι to incite to jealousyαὐτούς. them. 12  εἰ Ifδὲ butτὸ theπαράπτωμα falling besideαὐτῶν of themπλοῦτος richesκόσμου of worldκαὶ andτὸ theἥττημα decreaseαὐτῶν of themπλοῦτος richesἐθνῶν, of nations,πόσῳ to how muchμᾶλλον ratherτὸ theπλήρωμα fullnessαὐτῶν. of them. 13  Ὑμῖν To YOUδὲ butλέγω I am sayingτοῖς to theἔθνεσιν. nations.ἐφ’ Uponὅσον as much asμὲν indeedοὖν thereforeεἰμὶ amἐγὼ Iἐθνῶν of nationsἀπόστολος, apostle,τὴν theδιακονίαν serviceμου of meδοξάζω, I glorify, 14  εἴ ifπως somehowπαραζηλώσω I might inciteμου of meτὴν theσάρκα fleshκαὶ andσώσω I might saveτινὰς someἐξ out ofαὐτῶν. them. 15  εἰ Ifγὰρ fortheἀποβολὴ throwing offαὐτῶν of themκαταλλαγὴ reconciliationκόσμου, of world,τίς whattheπρόσλημψις toward receivingεἰ ifμὴ notζωὴ lifeἐκ out ofνεκρῶν; dead (ones)? 16  εἰ Ifδὲ buttheἀπαρχὴ firstfruitsἁγία, holy,καὶ alsoτὸ theφύραμα· lump;καὶ andεἰ iftheῥίζα rootἁγία, holy,καὶ alsoοἱ theκλάδοι. branches. 17  Εἰ Ifδέ butτινες someτῶν of theκλάδων branchesἐξεκλάσθησαν, were broken out,σὺ youδὲ butἀγριέλαιος field olive treeὢν beingἐνεκεντρίσθης you were grafted inἐν inαὐτοῖς themκαὶ andσυνκοινωνὸς taking in common withτῆς of theῥίζης rootτῆς of theπιότητος fatnessτῆς of theἐλαίας oliveἐγένου, you became, 18  μὴ notκατακαυχῶ be boasting down onτῶν theκλάδων· branches;εἰ ifδὲ butκατακαυχᾶσαι, you boast down on,οὐ notσὺ youτὴν theῥίζαν rootβαστάζεις are carryingἀλλὰ buttheῥίζα rootσέ. you. 19  ἐρεῖς You will sayοὖν therefore᾿Εξεκλάσθησαν Were broken offκλάδοι branchesἵνα in order thatἐγὼ Iἐνκεντρισθῶ. might be grafted in. 20  καλῶς· Finely;τῇ to theἀπιστίᾳ unbeliefἐξεκλάσθησαν, they were broken out,σὺ youδὲ butτῇ to theπίστει faithἕστηκας. you have been standing.μὴ Notὑψηλὰ highsφρόνει, be minding,ἀλλὰ butφοβοῦ· be fearing; 21  εἰ ifγὰρ fortheθεὸς Godτῶν of theκατὰ according toφύσιν natureκλάδων of branchesοὐκ notἐφείσατο, he spared,οὐδὲ not-butσοῦ of youφείσεται. he will spare. 22  ἴδε Seeοὖν thereforeχρηστότητα kindnessκαὶ andἀποτομίαν cutting offθεοῦ· of God;ἐπὶ uponμὲν indeedτοὺς the (ones)πεσόντας having fallenἀποτομία, cutting off,ἐπὶ uponδὲ butσὲ youχρηστότης kindnessθεοῦ, of God,ἐὰν if everἐπιμένῃς you may be remaining uponτῇ theχρηστότητι, kindness,ἐπεὶ sinceκαὶ alsoσὺ youἐκκοπήσῃ. will be cut out. 23  κἀκεῖνοι And thoseδέ, but,ἐὰν if everμὴ notἐπιμένωσι they may be remaining uponτῇ theἀπιστίᾳ, unbelief,ἐνκεντρισθήσονται· they will be grafted in;δυνατὸς powerfulγάρ forἐστιν istheθεὸς Godπάλιν againἐνκεντρίσαι to graft inαὐτοὺς. them. 24  εἰ Ifγὰρ forσὺ youἐκ out ofτῆς theκατὰ according toφύσιν natureἐξεκόπης you were cut outἀγριελαίου of field olive treeκαὶ andπαρὰ besideφύσιν natureἐνεκεντρίσθης you were grafted inεἰς intoκαλλιέλαιον, fine olive tree,πόσῳ to how muchμᾶλλον ratherοὗτοι theseοἱ the (ones)κατὰ according toφύσιν natureἐνκεντρισθήσονται they will be grafted inτῇ to theἰδίᾳ ownἐλαίᾳ. olive tree. 25  Οὐ Notγὰρ forθέλω I am willingὑμᾶς YOUἀγνοεῖν, to be being ignorant,ἀδελφοί, brothers,τὸ theμυστήριον mysteryτοῦτο, this,ἵνα in order thatμὴ notἦτε YOU may beἐν inἑαυτοῖς selvesφρόνιμοι, discreet,ὅτι thatπώρωσις callousnessἀπὸ fromμέρους partτῷ to theἸσραὴλ Israelγέγονεν has occurredἄχρι untilοὗ which (time)τὸ theπλήρωμα fullnessτῶν of theἐθνῶν nationsεἰσέλθῃ, should come in, 26  καὶ andοὕτως thusπᾶς allἸσραὴλ Israelσωθήσεται· will be saved;καθὼς according asγέγραπται it has been writtenἭξει Will comeἐκ out ofΣιὼν Zionthe (one)ῥυόμενος, drawing to self,ἀποστρέψει he will turn awayἀσεβείας irreverenceἀπὸ fromἸακώβ. Jacob. 27  καὶ Andαὕτη thisαὐτοῖς to themtheπαρ’ besideἐμοῦ of meδιαθήκη, covenant,ὅταν wheneverἀφέλωμαι I should take offτὰς theἁμαρτίας sinsαὐτῶν. of them. 28  κατὰ According toμὲν indeedτὸ theεὐαγγέλιον good newsἐχθροὶ enemiesδι’ throughὑμᾶς, YOU,κατὰ according toδὲ butτὴν theἐκλογὴν choosingἀγαπητοὶ loved (ones)διὰ throughτοὺς theπατέρας· fathers; 29  ἀμεταμέλητα not to be regretted afterwardγὰρ forτὰ theχαρίσματα gracious giftsκαὶ andtheκλῆσις callingτοῦ of theθεοῦ. God. 30  ὥσπερ As-evenγὰρ forὑμεῖς YOUποτὲ sometimeἠπειθήσατε YOU disobeyedτῷ to theθεῷ, God,νῦν nowδὲ butἠλεήθητε YOU were shown mercyτῇ to theτούτων of themἀπειθίᾳ, disobedience, 31  οὕτως thusκαὶ alsoοὗτοι theseνῦν nowἠπείθησαν disobeyedτῷ to theὑμετέρῳ YOURἐλέει mercyἵνα in order thatκαὶ alsoαὐτοὶ theyνῦν nowἐλεηθῶσιν· might be shown mercy; 32  συνέκλεισεν shut up togetherγὰρ fortheθεὸς Godτοὺς theπάντας allεἰς intoἀπειθίαν disobedienceἵνα in order thatτοὺς the (ones)πάντας allἐλεήσῃ. he might show mercy to. 33  Oβάθος depthπλούτου of richesκαὶ andσοφίας of wisdomκαὶ andγνώσεως of knowledgeθεοῦ· of God;ὡς asἀνεξεραύνητα unsearchableτὰ theκρίματα judgmentsαὐτοῦ of himκαὶ andἀνεξιχνίαστοι untraceableαἱ theὁδοὶ waysαὐτοῦ. of him. 34  Τίς Whoγὰρ forἔγνω knewνοῦν mindΚυρίου, of Lord,orτίς whoσύμβουλος counselorαὐτοῦ of himἐγένετο; became? 35  Orτίς Whoπροέδωκεν gave beforeαὐτῷ, to him,καὶ andἀνταποδοθήσεται it will be recompensedαὐτῷ; to him? 36  ὅτι Becauseἐξ out ofαὐτοῦ himκαὶ andδι’ throughαὐτοῦ himκαὶ andεἰς intoαὐτὸν himτὰ theπάντα· all (things);αὐτῷ to himtheδόξα gloryεἰς intoτοὺς theαἰῶνας· ages;ἀμήν. amen.
