Luke 9:1-62

9  Συνκαλεσάμενος Having called togetherδὲ butτοὺς theδώδεκα twelveἔδωκεν he gaveαὐτοῖς to themδύναμιν powerκαὶ andἐξουσίαν authorityἐπὶ uponπάντα allτὰ theδαιμόνια demonsκαὶ andνόσους sicknessesθεραπεύειν, to be curing, 2  καὶ andἀπέστειλεν he sent offαὐτοὺς themκηρύσσειν to be preachingτὴν theβασιλείαν kingdomτοῦ of theθεοῦ Godκαὶ andἰᾶσθαι, to be healing, 3  καὶ andεἶπεν he saidπρὸς towardαὐτούς themΜηδὲν Nothingαἴρετε be YOU lifting upεἰς intoτὴν theὁδόν, way,μήτε neitherῥάβδον staffμήτε norπήραν pouchμήτε norἄρτον breadμήτε norἀργύριον, silver,μήτε norδύο twoχιτῶνας undergarmentsἔχειν. to be having. 4  καὶ Andεἰς intoἣν whatἂν likelyοἰκίαν houseεἰσέλθητε, YOU might enter,ἐκεῖ thereμένετε be YOU stayingκαὶ andἐκεῖθεν from thereἐξέρχεσθε. be YOU going out. 5  καὶ Andὅσοι as many asἂν likelyμὴ notδέχωνται may be receivingὑμᾶς, YOU,ἐξερχόμενοι going outἀπὸ fromτῆς theπόλεως cityἐκείνης thatτὸν theκονιορτὸν dustἀπὸ fromτῶν theποδῶν feetὑμῶν of YOUἀποτινάσσετε be YOU shaking offεἰς intoμαρτύριον witnessἐπ’ uponαὐτούς. them. 6  ᾿Εξερχόμενοι Going outδὲ butδιήρχοντο they were going throughκατὰ downτὰς theκώμας villagesεὐαγγελιζόμενοι declaring the good newsκαὶ andθεραπεύοντες curingπανταχοῦ. everywhere. 7  Ἤκουσεν Heardδὲ butἩρῴδης Herodtheτετραάρχης tetrarchτὰ the (things)γινόμενα happeningπάντα, all,καὶ andδιηπόρει was in thorough perplexityδιὰ throughτὸ theλέγεσθαι to be saidὑπὸ byτινῶν someὅτι thatἸωάνης Johnἠγέρθη was raised upἐκ out ofνεκρῶν, dead (ones), 8  ὑπὸ byτινῶν someδὲ butὅτι thatἨλείας Elijahἐφάνη, appeared,ἄλλων of othersδὲ butὅτι thatπροφήτης prophetτις someτῶν of theἀρχαίων ancient (ones)ἀνέστη. stood up. 9  εἶπεν Saidδὲ buttheἩρῴδης HerodἸωάνην Johnἐγὼ Iἀπεκεφάλισα· beheaded;τίς whoδέ butἐστιν isοὗτος thisπερὶ aboutοὗ whomἀκούω I am hearingτοιαῦτα; such (things)?καὶ Andἐζήτει he was seekingἰδεῖν to seeαὐτόν. him. 10  Καὶ Andὑποστρέψαντες having returnedοἱ theἀπόστολοι apostlesδιηγήσαντο recountedαὐτῷ to himὅσα as many (things) asἐποίησαν. they did.Καὶ Andπαραλαβὼν having taken alongαὐτοὺς themὑπεχώρησεν he withdrewκατ’ according toἰδίαν private [spot]εἰς intoπόλιν cityκαλουμένην being calledΒηθσαιδά. Bethsaida. 11  οἱ Theδὲ butὄχλοι crowdsγνόντες having knownἠκολούθησαν followedαὐτῷ. to him.καὶ Andἀποδεξάμενος having received kindlyαὐτοὺς themἐλάλει he was speakingαὐτοῖς to themπερὶ aboutτῆς theβασιλείας kingdomτοῦ of theθεοῦ, God,καὶ andτοὺς the (ones)χρείαν needἔχοντας havingθεραπείας of cureἰᾶτο. he was healing. 12  Theδὲ butἡμέρα dayἤρξατο startedκλίνειν· to be declining;προσελθόντες having come towardδὲ butοἱ theδώδεκα twelveεἶπαν saidαὐτῷ to him᾿Απόλυσον Let loose offτὸν theὄχλον, crowd,ἵνα in order thatπορευθέντες having gone their wayεἰς intoτὰς theκύκλῳ to circleκώμας villagesκαὶ andἀγροὺς fieldsκαταλύσωσιν they might let loose downκαὶ andεὕρωσιν might findἐπισιτισμόν, provisions,ὅτι becauseὧδε hereἐν inἐρήμῳ lonelyτόπῳ placeἐσμέν. we are. 13  εἶπεν He saidδὲ butπρὸς towardαὐτούς themΔότε Give YOUαὐτοῖς to themφαγεῖν to eatὑμεῖς. YOU.οἱ The (ones)δὲ butεἶπαν saidΟὐκ Notεἰσὶν areἡμῖν to usπλεῖον morethanἄρτοι loavesπέντε fiveκαὶ andἰχθύες fishesδύο, two,εἰ ifμήτι not whatπορευθέντες having gone our wayἡμεῖς weἀγοράσωμεν might buyεἰς intoπάντα allτὸν theλαὸν peopleτοῦτον thisβρώματα. foodstuffs. 14  ἦσαν Wereγὰρ forὡσεὶ as ifἄνδρες male personsπεντακισχίλιοι. five thousand.εἶπεν He saidδὲ butπρὸς towardτοὺς theμαθητὰς disciplesαὐτοῦ of himΚατακλίνατε Make YOU reclineαὐτοὺς themκλισίας groupsὡσεὶ as ifἀνὰ upπεντήκοντα. fifty. 15  καὶ Andἐποίησαν they didοὕτως thusκαὶ andκατέκλιναν made reclineἅπαντας. all (them). 16  λαβὼν Having takenδὲ butτοὺς theπέντε fiveἄρτους loavesκαὶ andτοὺς theδύο twoἰχθύας fishesἀναβλέψας having looked upεἰς intoτὸν theοὐρανὸν heavenεὐλόγησεν he blessedαὐτοὺς themκαὶ andκατέκλασεν broke downκαὶ andἐδίδου was givingτοῖς to theμαθηταῖς disciplesπαραθεῖναι to put besideτῷ theὄχλῳ. crowd. 17  καὶ Andἔφαγον they ateκαὶ andἐχορτάσθησαν were satisfiedπάντες, all,καὶ andἤρθη was lifted upτὸ theπερισσεῦσαν [quantity] having aboundedαὐτοῖς to themκλασμάτων of fragmentsκόφινοι basketsδώδεκα. twelve. 18  Καὶ Andἐγένετο it happenedἐν inτῷ theεἶναι to beαὐτὸν himπροσευχόμενον prayingκατὰ according toμόνας solitary [places]συνῆσαν came togetherαὐτῷ to himοἱ theμαθηταί, disciples,καὶ andἐπηρώτησεν he inquired uponαὐτοὺς themλέγων sayingΤίνα Whomμε meοἱ theὄχλοι crowdsλέγουσιν are sayingεἶναι; to be? 19  οἱ The (ones)δὲ butἀποκριθέντες having answeredεἶπαν saidἸωάνην Johnτὸν theβαπτιστήν, Baptist,ἄλλοι othersδὲ butἨλείαν, Elijah,ἄλλοι othersδὲ butὅτι thatπροφήτης prophetτις someτῶν of theἀρχαίων ancient (ones)ἀνέστη. stood up. 20  εἶπεν He saidδὲ butαὐτοῖς to themὙμεῖς YOUδὲ butτίνα whomμε meλέγετε are YOU sayingεἶναι; to be?Πέτρος Peterδὲ butἀποκριθεὶς having answeredεἶπεν saidΤὸν Theχριστὸν Christτοῦ of theθεοῦ. God. 21  The (one)δὲ butἐπιτιμήσας having rebukedαὐτοῖς to themπαρήγγειλεν he gave instructionsμηδενὶ to no oneλέγειν to be tellingτοῦτο, this, 22  εἰπὼν having saidὅτι thatΔεῖ It is necessaryτὸν theυἱὸν Sonτοῦ of theἀνθρώπου manπολλὰ many (things)παθεῖν to sufferκαὶ andἀποδοκιμασθῆναι to be rejectedἀπὸ fromτῶν theπρεσβυτέρων older menκαὶ andἀρχιερέων chief priestsκαὶ andγραμματέων scribesκαὶ andἀποκτανθῆναι to be killedκαὶ andτῇ to theτρίτῃ thirdἡμέρᾳ dayἐγερθῆναι. to be raised up. 23  Ἔλεγεν He was sayingδὲ butπρὸς towardπάντας all (them)Εἴ Ifτις anyoneθέλει is willingὀπίσω behindμου meἔρχεσθαι, to be coming,ἀρνησάσθω let him disownἑαυτὸν himselfκαὶ andἀράτω let him lift upτὸν theσταυρὸν stakeαὐτοῦ of himκαθ’ according toἡμέραν, day,καὶ andἀκολουθείτω let him be followingμοι. to me. 24  ὃς Whoγὰρ forἂν likelyθέλῃ may willτὴν theψυχὴν soulαὐτοῦ of himσῶσαι, to save,ἀπολέσει will loseαὐτήν· it;ὃς whoδ’ butἂν likelyἀπολέσῃ might loseτὴν theψυχὴν soulαὐτοῦ of himἕνεκεν on accountἐμοῦ, of me,οὗτος this (one)σώσει will saveαὐτήν. it. 25  τί Whatγὰρ forὠφελεῖται is being benefitedἄνθρωπος manκερδήσας having gainedτὸν theκόσμον worldὅλον wholeἑαυτὸν himselfδὲ butἀπολέσας having lostorζημιωθείς; having been damaged? 26  ὃς Whoγὰρ forἂν likelyἐπαισχυνθῇ might be ashamed ofμε meκαὶ andτοὺς theἐμοὺς myλόγους, words,τοῦτον this (one)theυἱὸς Sonτοῦ of theἀνθρώπου manἐπαισχυνθήσεται, will be ashamed of,ὅταν wheneverἔλθῃ he might comeἐν inτῇ theδόξῃ gloryαὐτοῦ of himκαὶ andτοῦ of theπατρὸς Fatherκαὶ andτῶν of theἁγίων holyἀγγέλων. angels. 27  Λέγω I am sayingδὲ butὑμῖν to YOUἀληθῶς, truthfully,εἰσίν areτινες someτῶν of the (ones)αὐτοῦ hereἑστηκότων having stoodοἳ whoοὐ notμὴ notγεύσωνται should tasteθανάτου of deathἕως untilἂν likelyἴδωσιν they should seeτὴν theβασιλείαν kingdomτοῦ of theθεοῦ. God. 28  ᾿Εγένετο It happenedδὲ butμετὰ afterτοὺς theλόγους wordsτούτους theseὡσεὶ as ifἡμέραι daysὀκτὼ eightπαραλαβὼν having taken alongΠέτρον Peterκαὶ andἸωάνην Johnκαὶ andἸάκωβον Jamesἀνέβη he went upεἰς intoτὸ theὄρος mountainπροσεύξασθαι. to pray. 29  καὶ Andἐγένετο it happenedἐν inτῷ theπροσεύχεσθαι to be prayingαὐτὸν himτὸ theεἶδος formτοῦ of theπροσώπου faceαὐτοῦ of himἕτερον differentκαὶ andtheἱματισμὸς apparelαὐτοῦ of himλευκὸς whiteἐξαστράπτων. lightening out. 30  καὶ Andἰδοὺ look!ἄνδρες male personsδύο twoσυνελάλουν were speaking withαὐτῷ, him,οἵτινες whoἦσαν wereΜωυσῆς Mosesκαὶ andἨλείας, Elijah, 31  οἳ the (ones)ὀφθέντες having appearedἐν inδόξῃ gloryἔλεγον were sayingτὴν theἔξοδον exodusαὐτοῦ of himἣν whichἤμελλεν he was aboutπληροῦν to be fulfillingἐν inἸερουσαλήμ. Jerusalem. 32  Theδὲ butΠέτρος Peterκαὶ andοἱ the (ones)σὺν together withαὐτῷ himἦσαν wereβεβαρημένοι having been weighed downὕπνῳ· to sleep;διαγρηγορήσαντες having fully awakenedδὲ butεἶδαν they sawτὴν theδόξαν gloryαὐτοῦ of himκαὶ andτοὺς theδύο twoἄνδρας male personsτοὺς the (ones)συνεστῶτας having stood withαὐτῷ. him. 33  καὶ Andἐγένετο it happenedἐν inτῷ theδιαχωρίζεσθαι to be separatedαὐτοὺς themἀπ’ fromαὐτοῦ himεἶπεν saidtheΠέτρος Peterπρὸς towardτὸν theἸησοῦν Jesus᾿Επιστάτα, Instructor,καλόν fineἐστιν it isἡμᾶς usὧδε hereεἶναι, to be,καὶ andποιήσωμεν let us makeσκηνὰς tentsτρεῖς, three,μίαν oneσοὶ to youκαὶ andμίαν oneΜωυσεῖ to Mosesκαὶ andμίαν oneἨλείᾳ, to Elijah,μὴ notεἰδὼς having knownwhichλέγει. he is saying. 34  ταῦτα These (things)δὲ butαὐτοῦ of himλέγοντος sayingἐγένετο came to beνεφέλη cloudκαὶ andἐπεσκίαζεν was overshadowingαὐτούς· them;ἐφοβήθησαν they were made fearfulδὲ butἐν inτῷ theεἰσελθεῖν to enterαὐτοὺς themεἰς intoτὴν theνεφέλην. cloud. 35  καὶ Andφωνὴ voiceἐγένετο came to beἐκ out ofτῆς theνεφέλης cloudλέγουσα sayingΟὗτός Thisἐστιν istheυἱός Sonμου of methe (one)ἐκλελεγμένος, having been chosen,αὐτοῦ of himἀκούετε. be YOU hearers. 36  καὶ Andἐν inτῷ theγενέσθαι to occurτὴν theφωνὴν voiceεὑρέθη was foundἸησοῦς Jesusμόνος. alone.καὶ Andαὐτοὶ theyἐσίγησαν became silentκαὶ andοὐδενὶ to no oneἀπήγγειλαν reported backἐν inἐκείναις thoseταῖς theἡμέραις daysοὐδὲν nothingὧν of what (things)ἑώρακαν. they have seen. 37  ᾿Εγένετο It happenedδὲ butτῇ to theἑξῆς of subsequenceἡμέρᾳ dayκατελθόντων having come downαὐτῶν of themἀπὸ fromτοῦ theὄρους mountainσυνήντησεν met up withαὐτῷ himὄχλος crowdπολύς. much. 38  καὶ Andἰδοὺ look!ἀνὴρ male personἀπὸ fromτοῦ theὄχλου crowdἐβόησεν called outλέγων sayingΔιδάσκαλε, Teacher,δέομαί I am beggingσου of youἐπιβλέψαι to look atἐπὶ uponτὸν theυἱόν sonμου, of me,ὅτι becauseμονογενής only-begottenμοί to meἐστιν, is, 39  καὶ andἰδοὺ look!πνεῦμα spiritλαμβάνει is receivingαὐτόν, him,καὶ andἐξέφνης suddenlyκράζει, he cries out,καὶ andσπαράσσει convulsesαὐτὸν himμετὰ withἀφροῦ foamκαὶ andμόλις scarcelyἀποχωρεῖ it is getting awayἀπ’ fromαὐτοῦ himσυντρῖβον bruisingαὐτόν· him; 40  καὶ andἐδεήθην I beggedτῶν of theμαθητῶν disciplesσου of youἵνα in order thatἐκβάλωσιν they should throw outαὐτό, it,καὶ andοὐκ notἠδυνήθησαν. they proved able. 41  ἀποκριθεὶς Having answeredδὲ buttheἸησοῦς Jesusεἶπεν said῏Ω Oγενεὰ generationἄπιστος faithlessκαὶ andδιεστραμμένη, having been perverted,ἕως untilπότε whenἔσομαι shall I beπρὸς towardὑμᾶς YOUκαὶ andἀνέξομαι shall I hold upὑμῶν; of YOU?προσάγαγε Lead towardὧδε hereτὸν theυἱόν sonσου. of you. 42  ἔτι Yetδὲ butπροσερχομένου coming towardαὐτοῦ of himἔρρηξεν brokeαὐτὸν himτὸ theδαιμόνιον demonκαὶ andσυνεσπάραξεν· convulsed together;ἐπετίμησεν gave rebukeδὲ buttheἸησοῦς Jesusτῷ to theπνεύματι spiritτῷ theἀκαθάρτῳ, unclean,καὶ andἰάσατο he healedτὸν theπαῖδα boyκαὶ andἀπέδωκεν gave backαὐτὸν himτῷ to theπατρὶ fatherαὐτοῦ. of him. 43  ἐξεπλήσσοντο They were being astoundedδὲ butπάντες allἐπὶ uponτῇ theμεγαλειότητι majestic powerτοῦ of theθεοῦ. God. Πάντων Of all (them)δὲ butθαυμαζόντων wonderingἐπὶ uponπᾶσιν all (things)οἷς whichἐποίει he was doingεἶπεν he saidπρὸς towardτοὺς theμαθητὰς disciplesαὐτοῦ of him 44  Θέσθε Putὑμεῖς YOUεἰς intoτὰ theὦτα earsὑμῶν of YOUτοὺς theλόγους wordsτούτους, these,theγὰρ forυἱὸς Sonsτοῦ of theἀνθρώπου manμέλλει is aboutπαραδίδοσθαι to be given overεἰς intoχεῖρας handsἀνθρώπων. of men. 45  οἱ The (ones)δὲ butἠγνόουν were not knowingτὸ theῥῆμα sayingτοῦτο, this,καὶ andἦν it wasπαρακεκαλυμμένον having been concealed besideἀπ’ fromαὐτῶν themἵνα in order thatμὴ notαἴσθωνται they might perceiveαὐτό, it,καὶ andἐφοβοῦντο they were fearingἐρωτῆσαι to requestαὐτὸν himπερὶ aboutτοῦ theῥήματος sayingτούτου. this. 46  Εἰσῆλθεν Enteredδὲ butδιαλογισμὸς reasoningἐν inαὐτοῖς, them,τὸ theτίς whoἂν likelyεἴη might beμείζων greater (one)αὐτῶν. of them. 47  Theδὲ butἸησοῦς Jesusεἰδὼς having knownτὸν theδιαλογισμὸν reasoningτῆς of theκαρδίας heartαὐτῶν of themἐπιλαβόμενος having taken uponπαιδίον little boyἔστησεν made standαὐτὸ itπαρ’ besideἑαυτῷ, himself, 48  καὶ andεἶπεν saidαὐτοῖς to themὋς Whoἂν likelyδέξηται might receiveτοῦτο thisτὸ theπαιδίον little boyἐπὶ uponτῷ theὀνόματί nameμου of meἐμὲ meδέχεται, he is receiving,καὶ andὃς whoἂν likelyἐμὲ meδέξηται he might receiveδέχεται he is receivingτὸν the (one)ἀποστείλαντά having sent offμε· me;theγὰρ forμικρότερος smaller oneἐν inπᾶσιν allὑμῖν YOUὑπάρχων existingοὗτός this (one)ἐστιν isμέγας. great. 49  ᾿Αποκριθεὶς Having answeredδὲ butἸωάνης Johnεἶπεν said᾿Επιστάτα, Instructor,εἴδαμέν we sawτινα someoneἐν inτῷ theὀνόματί nameσου of youἐκβάλλοντα throwing outδαιμόνια, demons,καὶ andἐκωλύομεν we were preventingαὐτὸν himὅτι becauseοὐκ notἀκολουθεῖ he is followingμεθ’ withἡμῶν. us. 50  εἶπεν Saidδὲ butπρὸς towardαὐτὸν himἸησοῦς JesusΜὴ Notκωλύετε, be YOU preventing,ὃς whoγὰρ forοὐκ notἔστιν isκαθ’ down (on)ὑμῶν YOUὑπὲρ overὑμῶν YOUἐστίν. is. 51  ᾿Εγένετο It occurredδὲ butἐν inτῷ theσυμπληροῦσθαι to be fulfilledτὰς theἡμέρας daysτῆς of theἀναλήμψεως taking upαὐτοῦ of himκαὶ andαὐτὸς heτὸ theπρόσωπον faceἐστήρισεν firmly setτοῦ of theπορεύεσθαι to be going his wayεἰς intoἸερουσαλήμ, Jerusalem, 52  καὶ andἀπέστειλεν he sent offἀγγέλους messengersπρὸ beforeπροσώπου faceαὐτοῦ. of him.Καὶ Andπορευθέντες having gone their wayεἰσῆλθον they enteredεἰς intoκώμην villageΣαμαρειτῶν, of Samaritans,ὡς asἑτοιμάσαι to prepareαὐτῷ· to him; 53  καὶ andοὐκ notἐδέξαντο they receivedαὐτόν, him,ὅτι becauseτὸ theπρόσωπον faceαὐτοῦ of himἦν wasπορευόμενον (one) going its wayεἰς intoἸερουσαλήμ. Jerusalem. 54  ἰδόντες Having seenδὲ butοἱ theμαθηταὶ disciplesἸάκωβος Jamesκαὶ andἸωάνης Johnεἶπαν saidΚύριε, Lord,θέλεις are you willingεἴπωμεν we should tellπῦρ fireκαταβῆναι to come downἀπὸ fromτοῦ theοὐρανοῦ heavenκαὶ andἀναλῶσαι to annihilateαὐτούς; them? 55  στραφεὶς Having turnedδὲ butἐπετίμησεν he rebukedαὐτοῖς. them. 56  καὶ Andἐπορεύθησαν they went their wayεἰς intoἑτέραν differentκώμην. village. 57  Καὶ Andπορευομένων going their wayαὐτῶν of themἐν inτῇ theὁδῷ wayεἶπέν saidτις someoneπρὸς towardαὐτόν him᾿Ακολουθήσω I shall followσοι to youὅπου whereἐὰν if everἀπέρχῃ. you may be going off. 58  καὶ Andεἶπεν saidαὐτῷ to himtheἸησοῦς JesusΑἱ Theἀλώπεκες foxesφωλεοὺς densἔχουσιν are havingκαὶ andτὰ theπετεινὰ birdsτοῦ of theοὐρανοῦ heavenκατασκηνώσεις, tentings down,theδὲ butυἱὸς Sonτοῦ of theἀνθρώπου manοὐκ notἔχει is havingποῦ whereτὴν theκεφαλὴν headκλίνῃ. he may incline. 59  Εἶπεν He saidδὲ butπρὸς towardἕτερον different᾿Ακολούθει Be followingμοι. to me.The (one)δὲ butεἶπεν said᾿Επίτρεψόν Permitμοι to meπρῶτον firstἀπελθόντι having gone offθάψαι to buryτὸν theπατέρα fatherμου. of me. 60  εἶπεν He saidδὲ butαὐτῷ to himἌφες Let you go offτοὺς theνεκροὺς dead (ones)θάψαι to buryτοὺς theἑαυτῶν of themselvesνεκρούς, dead (ones),σὺ youδὲ butἀπελθὼν having gone offδιάγγελλε be declaring abroadτὴν theβασιλείαν kingdomτοῦ of theθεοῦ. God. 61  εἶπεν Saidδὲ butκαὶ alsoἕτερος different (one)᾿Ακολουθήσω I shall followσοι, to you,κύριε· Lord;πρῶτον firstδὲ butἐπίτρεψόν permitμοι to meἀποτάξασθαι to set self offτοῖς to the (ones)εἰς intoτὸν theοἶκόν houseμου. of me. 62  εἶπεν Saidδὲ butπρὸς towardαὐτὸν himtheἸησοῦς JesusΟὐδεὶς No oneἐπιβαλὼν having thrust uponτὴν theχεῖρα handἐπ’ uponἄροτρον plowκαὶ andβλέπων lookingεἰς intoτὰ the (things)ὀπίσω behindεὔθετός well fittedἐστιν isτῇ to theβασιλείᾳ kingdomτοῦ of theθεοῦ. God.
