Acts 25:1-27

25  Φῆστος Festusοὖν thereforeἐπιβὰς having stepped uponτῇ theἐπαρχείᾳ provinceμετὰ afterτρεῖς threeἡμέρας daysἀνέβη stepped upεἰς intoἸεροσόλυμα Jerusalemἀπὸ fromΚαισαρίας, Caesarea, 2  ἐνεφάνισάν made (things) apparentτε andαὐτῷ to himοἱ theἀρχιερεῖς chief priestsκαὶ andοἱ theπρῶτοι first (ones)τῶν of theἸουδαίων Jewsκατὰ down onτοῦ theΠαύλου, Paul,καὶ andπαρεκάλουν were entreatingαὐτὸν him 3  αἰτούμενοι requestingχάριν favorκατ’ down onαὐτοῦ himὅπως so thatμεταπέμψηται he should send afterαὐτὸν himεἰς intoἸερουσαλήμ, Jerusalem,ἐνέδραν sitting inποιοῦντες makingἀνελεῖν to take upαὐτὸν himκατὰ downτὴν theὁδόν. way. 4  Theμὲν indeedοὖν thereforeΦῆστος Festusἀπεκρίθη answeredτηρεῖσθαι to be being observedτὸν theΠαῦλον Paulεἰς intoΚαισαρίαν, Caesarea,ἑαυτὸν himselfδὲ butμέλλειν to be aboutἐν inτάχει hasteἐκπορεύεσθαι· to be going out; 5  Οἱ the (ones)οὖν thereforeἐν inὑμῖν, YOU,φησίν, he says,δυνατοὶ powerful (ones)συνκαταβάντες having stepped down togetherεἴ ifτί anythingἐστιν isἐν inτῷ theἀνδρὶ male personἄτοπον out of placeκατηγορείτωσαν let them accuseαὐτοῦ. him. 6  Διατρίψας Having spent throughδὲ butἐν inαὐτοῖς themἡμέρας daysοὐ notπλείους moreὀκτὼ eightorδέκα, ten,καταβὰς having stepped downεἰς intoΚαισαρίαν, Caesarea,τῇ to theἑπαύριον morrowκαθίσας having sat downἐπὶ uponτοῦ theβήματος stepἐκέλευσεν he commandedτὸν theΠαῦλον Paulἀχθῆναι. to be led. 7  παραγενομένου Having come to be alongsideδὲ butαὐτοῦ of himπεριέστησαν stood aroundαὐτὸν himοἱ theἀπὸ fromἸεροσολύμων Jerusalemκαταβεβηκότες having stepped downἸουδαῖοι, Jews,πολλὰ manyκαὶ andβαρέα heavyαἰτιώματα causes of blameκαταφέροντες bringing againstwhichοὐκ notἴσχυον they were strong enoughἀποδεῖξαι, to show forth, 8  τοῦ of theΠαύλου Paulἀπολογουμένου saying in defenseὅτι thatΟὔτε Neitherεἰς intoτὸν theνόμον Lawτῶν of theἸουδαίων Jewsοὔτε norεἰς intoτὸ theἱερὸν templeοὔτε norεἰς intoΚαίσαρά Caesarτι anythingἥμαρτον. I sinned. 9  TheΦῆστος Festusδὲ butθέλων willingτοῖς to theἸουδαίοις Jewsχάριν favorκαταθέσθαι to lay downἀποκριθεὶς having answeredτῷ to theΠαύλῳ Paulεἶπεν he saidΘέλεις Are you willingεἰς intoἸεροσόλυμα Jerusalemἀναβὰς having stepped upἐκεῖ thereπερὶ aboutτούτων these (things)κριθῆναι to be judgedἐπ’ uponἐμοῦ; me? 10  εἶπεν Saidδὲ buttheΠαῦλος PaulἙστὼς Having stoodἐπὶ uponτοῦ theβήματος stepΚαίσαρός of Caesarεἰμι, I am,οὗ whereμε meδεῖ it is necessaryκρίνεσθαι. to be being judged.Ἰουδαίους Jewsοὐδὲν nothingἠδίκηκα, I have treated unrighteously,ὡς asκαὶ alsoσὺ youκάλλιον finerἐπιγινώσκεις. are knowing fully. 11  εἰ Ifμὲν indeedοὖν thereforeἀδικῶ I am doing unrighteouslyκαὶ andἄξιον worthyθανάτου of deathπέπραχά I have doneτι, anything,οὐ notπαραιτοῦμαι I am begging offτὸ theἀποθανεῖν· to die;εἰ ifδὲ butοὐδὲν nothingἔστιν isὧν of which (things)οὗτοι theseκατηγοροῦσίν are accusingμου, me,οὐδείς no oneμε meδύναται is ableαὐτοῖς to themχαρίσασθαι· to hand over as favor;Καίσαρα Caesarἐπικαλοῦμαι. I am calling upon. 12  τότε ThentheΦῆστος Festusσυνλαλήσας having spoken togetherμετὰ withτοῦ theσυμβουλίου councilἀπεκρίθη he answeredΚαίσαρα Caesarἐπικέκλησαι, you have called upon,ἐπὶ uponΚαίσαρα Caesarπορεύσῃ. you will go. 13  Ἡμερῶν Of daysδὲ butδιαγενομένων having occurred throughτινῶν of some᾿Αγρίππας Agrippatheβασιλεὺς kingκαὶ andΒερνίκη Berniceκατήντησαν attained downεἰς intoΚαισαρίαν Caesareaἀσπασάμενοι having greetedτὸν theΦῆστον. Festus. 14  ὡς Asδὲ butπλείους moreἡμέρας daysδιέτριβον they were spending throughἐκεῖ, there,theΦῆστος Festusτῷ to theβασιλεῖ kingἀνέθετο put upτὰ the (things)κατὰ according toτὸν theΠαῦλον Paulλέγων saying ᾿Ανήρ Male personτίς someἐστιν isκαταλελιμμένος having been left downὑπὸ byΦήλικος Felixδέσμιος, bound one, 15  περὶ aboutοὗ whomγενομένου having come to beμου of meεἰς intoἸεροσόλυμα Jerusalemἐνεφάνισαν made (things) apparentοἱ theἀρχιερεῖς chief priestsκαὶ andοἱ theπρεσβύτεροι older menτῶν of theἸουδαίων, Jews,αἰτούμενοι askingκατ’ down onαὐτοῦ himκαταδίκην· adverse judgment; 16  πρὸς towardοὓς whomἀπεκρίθην I answeredὅτι thatοὐκ notἔστιν isἔθος customῬωμαίοις to Romansχαρίζεσθαί to hand over as favorτινα anyἄνθρωπον manπρὶν priorthanthe (one)κατηγορούμενος being accusedκατὰ according toπρόσωπον faceἔχοι may be havingτοὺς theκατηγόρους accusersτόπον placeτε andἀπολογίας of defenseλάβοι he might receiveπερὶ aboutτοῦ theἐγκλήματος. charge. 17  συνελθόντων Of (ones) having come togetherοὖν thereforeἐνθάδε in hereἀναβολὴν delayμηδεμίαν noneποιησάμενος having madeτῇ to the [day]ἑξῆς of successionκαθίσας having satἐπὶ uponτοῦ theβήματος stepἐκέλευσα I commandedἀχθῆναι to be ledτὸν theἄνδρα· male person; 18  περὶ aboutοὗ whomσταθέντες having stoodοἱ theκατήγοροι accusersοὐδεμίαν not anyαἰτίαν causeἔφερον were bringingὧν of which (things)ἐγὼ Iὑπενόουν was supposingπονηρῶν, wicked (things), 19  ζητήματα things soughtδέ butτινα someπερὶ aboutτῆς theἰδίας ownδεισιδαιμονίας dread of demon (s)εἶχον they were havingπρὸς towardαὐτὸν himκαὶ andπερί aboutτινος someἸησοῦ Jesusτεθνηκότος, having died,ὃν whomἔφασκεν was assertingtheΠαῦλος Paulζῇν. to be living. 20  ἀπορούμενος Being perplexedδὲ butἐγὼ Iτὴν theπερὶ aboutτούτων these (things)ζήτησιν seekingἔλεγον I was sayingεἰ ifβούλοιτο he would be wishingπορεύεσθαι to be goingεἰς intoἸεροσόλυμα Jerusalemκἀκεῖ and thereκρίνεσθαι to be being judgedπερὶ aboutτούτων. these (things). 21  τοῦ Of theδὲ butΠαύλου Paulἐπικαλεσαμένου having called uponτηρηθῆναι to be observedαὐτὸν himεἰς intoτὴν theτοῦ of theΣεβαστοῦ August Oneδιάγνωσιν, thorough knowledge,ἐκέλευσα I commandedτηρεῖσθαι to be observedαὐτὸν himἕως untilοὗ whichἀναπέμψω I may send upαὐτὸν himπρὸς towardΚαίσαρα. Caesar. 22  ᾿Αγρίππας Agrippaδὲ butπρὸς towardτὸν theΦῆστον Festus᾿Εβουλόμην I was wishingκαὶ alsoαὐτὸς veryτοῦ of theἀνθρώπου manἀκοῦσαι. to hear.Αὔριον, Tomorrow,φησίν, he says,ἀκούσῃ you will hearαὐτοῦ. of him. 23  Τῇ To theοὖν thereforeἐπαύριον morrowἐλθόντος having comeτοῦ of the᾿Αγρίππα Agrippaκαὶ andτῆς of theΒερνίκης Berniceμετὰ withπολλῆς muchφαντασίας appearanceκαὶ andεἰσελθόντων of (ones) having enteredεἰς intoτὸ theἀκροατήριον audience chamberσύν together withτε andχιλιάρχοις chiliarchsκαὶ andἀνδράσιν male personsτοῖς theκατ’ downἐξοχὴν eminenceτῆς of theπόλεως cityκαὶ andκελεύσαντος having commandedτοῦ of theΦήστου Festusἤχθη was ledtheΠαῦλος. Paul. 24  καί Andφησιν saystheΦῆστος Festus᾿Αγρίππα Agrippaβασιλεῦ kingκαὶ andπάντες allοἱ theσυνπαρόντες being alongside withἡμῖν usἄνδρες, male persons,θεωρεῖτε YOU are beholdingτοῦτον this (one)περὶ aboutοὗ whomἅπαν allτὸ theπλῆθος multitudeτῶν of theἸουδαίων Jewsἐνέτυχέν happened onμοι to meἔν inτε andἸεροσολύμοις Jerusalemκαὶ andἐνθάδε, in here,βοῶντες shoutingμὴ notδεῖν to be necessaryαὐτὸν himζῇν to be livingμηκέτι. not yet. 25  ἐγὼ Iδὲ butκατελαβόμην took downμηδὲν nothingἄξιον worthyαὐτὸν himθανάτου of deathπεπραχέναι, to have done,αὐτοῦ of himδὲ butτούτου of this (one)ἐπικαλεσαμένου having called uponτὸν theΣεβαστὸν August Oneἔκρινα I judgedπέμπειν. to be sending. 26  περὶ Aboutοὗ whomἀσφαλές steadyτι anythingγράψαι to writeτῷ to theκυρίῳ lordοὐκ notἔχω· I am having;διὸ through whichπροήγαγον I led forthαὐτὸν himἐφ’ uponὑμῶν YOUκαὶ andμάλιστα most of allἐπὶ uponσοῦ, you,βασιλεῦ King᾿Αγρίππα, Agrippa,ὅπως so thatτῆς of theἀνακρίσεως examinationγενομένης having occurredσχῶ I should haveτί whatγράψω· I shall write; 27  ἄλογον unreasonableγάρ forμοι to meδοκεῖ it seemsπέμποντα sendingδέσμιον bound oneμὴ notκαὶ alsoτὰς theκατ’ down onαὐτοῦ himαἰτίας causesσημᾶναι. to signify.
