Acts 10:1-48

10  ᾿Ανὴρ Male personδέ butτις someἐν inΚαισαρίᾳ Caesareaὀνόματι to nameΚορνήλιος, Cornelius,ἑκατοντάρχης centurionἐκ out ofσπείρης bandτῆς of the (one)καλουμένης being calledἸταλικῆς, Italian, 2  εὐσεβὴς well-reverentialκαὶ andφοβούμενος fearingτὸν theθεὸν Godσὺν together withπαντὶ allτῷ theοἴκῳ householdαὐτοῦ, of him,ποιῶν doingἐλεημοσύνας gifts of mercyπολλὰς manyτῷ to theλαῷ peopleκαὶ andδεόμενος supplicatingτοῦ of theθεοῦ Godδιὰ throughπαντός, all [time], 3  εἶδεν he sawἐν inὁράματι visionφανερῶς manifestlyὡσεὶ as ifπερὶ aboutὥραν hourἐνάτην ninthτῆς of theἡμέρας dayἄγγελον angelτοῦ of theθεοῦ Godεἰσελθόντα having come inπρὸς towardαὐτὸν himκαὶ andεἰπόντα having saidαὐτῷ to himΚορνήλιε. Cornelius. 4  The (one)δὲ butἀτενίσας having gazedαὐτῷ to himκαὶ andἔμφοβος in fearγενόμενος having becomeεἶπεν he saidΤί Whatἐστιν, is it,κύριε; Lord?εἶπεν He saidδὲ butαὐτῷ to himΑἱ Theπροσευχαί prayersσου of youκαὶ andαἱ theἐλεημοσύναι gifts of mercyσου of youἀνέβησαν went upεἰς intoμνημόσυνον remembranceἔμπροσθεν from-in-towardτοῦ of theθεοῦ· God; 5  καὶ andνῦν nowπέμψον sendἄνδρας male personsεἰς intoἸόππην Joppaκαὶ andμετάπεμψαι send acrossΣίμωνά Simonτινα someὃς whoἐπικαλεῖται is being surnamedΠέτρος· Peter; 6  οὗτος this (one)ξενίζεται is being treated as strangerπαρά besideτινι someΣίμωνι Simonβυρσεῖ, tanner,to whomἐστὶν isοἰκία houseπαρὰ besideθάλασσαν. sea. 7  ὡς Asδὲ butἀπῆλθεν went awaytheἄγγελος angelthe (one)λαλῶν speakingαὐτῷ, to him,φωνήσας having sounded forδύο twoτῶν of theοἰκετῶν house servantsκαὶ andστρατιώτην soldierεὐσεβῆ well-reverentialτῶν of the (ones)προσκαρτερούντων perseveringαὐτῷ to him 8  καὶ andἐξηγησάμενος having explainedἅπαντα all (things)αὐτοῖς to themἀπέστειλεν he sent awayαὐτοὺς themεἰς intoτὴν theἸόππην. Joppa. 9  Τῇ To theδὲ butἐπαύριον morrowὁδοιπορούντων journeyingἐκείνων of those (ones)καὶ andτῇ to theπόλει cityἐγγιζόντων nearingἀνέβη went upΠέτρος Peterἐπὶ uponτὸ theδῶμα housetopπροσεύξασθαι to prayπερὶ aboutὥραν hourἕκτην. sixth. 10  ἐγένετο He becameδὲ butπρόσπεινος very hungryκαὶ andἤθελεν he was willingγεύσασθαι· to taste;παρασκευαζόντων preparingδὲ butαὐτῶν of themἐγένετο occurredἐπ’ uponαὐτὸν himἔκστασις, ecstasy, 11  καὶ andθεωρεῖ he is beholdingτὸν theοὐρανὸν heavenἀνεῳγμένον having been opened upκαὶ andκαταβαῖνον coming downσκεῦός vesselτι someὡς asὀθόνην linen pieceμεγάλην greatτέσσαρσιν to fourἀρχαῖς startsκαθιέμενον being let downἐπὶ uponτῆς theγῆς, earth, 12  ἐν inwhichὑπῆρχεν wasπάντα allτὰ theτετράποδα four-footed (things)καὶ andἑρπετὰ creeping (things)τῆς of theγῆς earthκαὶ andπετεινὰ birdsτοῦ of theοὐρανοῦ. heaven. 13  καὶ Andἐγένετο occurredφωνὴ voiceπρὸς towardαὐτόν him᾿Αναστάς, Having stood up,Πέτρε, Peter,θῦσον sacrificeκαὶ andφάγε. eat. 14  Theδὲ butΠέτρος Peterεἶπεν saidΜηδαμῶς, By no means,κύριε, Lord,ὅτι becauseοὐδέποτε neverἔφαγον I ateπᾶν everythingκοινὸν commonκαὶ andἀκάθαρτον. unclean. 15  καὶ Andφωνὴ voiceπάλιν againἐκ out ofδευτέρου second [time]πρὸς towardαὐτὸν himWhat (things)theθεὸς Godἐκαθάρισεν cleansedσὺ youμὴ notκοίνου. be you making common. 16  τοῦτο Thisδὲ butἐγένετο occurredἐπὶ uponτρίς, three times,καὶ andεὐθὺς immediatelyἀνελήμφθη was taken upτὸ theσκεῦος vesselεἰς intoτὸν theοὐρανόν. heaven. 17  Ὡς Asδὲ butἐν inἑαυτῷ himselfδιηπόρει was being thoroughly perplexedtheΠέτρος Peterτί whatἂν likelyεἴη would beτὸ theὅραμα visionwhichεἶδεν, he saw,ἰδοὺ look!οἱ theἄνδρες male personsοἱ the (ones)ἀπεσταλμένοι having been sent offὑπὸ byτοῦ theΚορνηλίου Corneliusδιερωτήσαντες having thoroughly questioned aboutτὴν theοἰκίαν houseτοῦ of theΣίμωνος Simonἐπέστησαν stoodἐπὶ uponτὸν theπυλῶνα, gate, 18  καὶ andφωνήσαντες having soundedἐπύθοντο they inquiredεἰ ifΣίμων Simonthe (one)ἐπικαλούμενος being surnamedΠέτρος Peterἐνθάδε thereξενίζεται. is being treated as stranger. 19  Τοῦ Of theδὲ butΠέτρου Peterδιενθυμουμένου going through in mindπερὶ aboutτοῦ theὁράματος visionεἶπεν saidτὸ theπνεῦμα spiritἸδοὺ Look!ἄνδρες Male personsδύο twoζητοῦντές seekingσε· you; 20  ἀλλὰ butἀναστὰς having stood upκατάβηθι step you downκαὶ andπορεύου be goingσὺν together withαὐτοῖς themμηδὲν nothingδιακρινόμενος, doubting,ὅτι becauseἐγὼ Iἀπέσταλκα have sent offαὐτούς. them. 21  καταβὰς Having stepped downδὲ butΠέτρος Peterπρὸς towardτοὺς theἄνδρας male personsεἶπεν saidἸδοὺ Look!ἐγώ Iεἰμι amὃν whomζητεῖτε· YOU are seeking;τίς whattheαἰτία causeδι’ throughἣν whichπάρεστε; YOU are alongside? 22  οἱ The (ones)δὲ butεἶπαν saidΚορνήλιος Corneliusἑκατοντάρχης, centurion,ἀνὴρ male personδίκαιος righteousκαὶ andφοβούμενος fearingτὸν theθεὸν Godμαρτυρούμενός being witnessed aboutτε andὑπὸ byὅλου wholeτοῦ theἔθνους nationτῶν of theἸουδαίων, Jews,ἐχρηματίσθη was divinely instructedὑπὸ byἀγγέλου angelἁγίου holyμεταπέμψασθαί to send acrossσε youεἰς intoτὸν theοἶκον houseαὐτοῦ of himκαὶ andἀκοῦσαι to hearῥήματα sayingsπαρὰ besideσοῦ. of you. 23  εἰσκαλεσάμενος Having called inοὖν thereforeαὐτοὺς themἐξένισεν. he treated as strangers. Τῇ To theδὲ butἐπαύριον morrowἀναστὰς having stood upἐξῆλθεν he went outσὺν together withαὐτοῖς, them,καί andτινες someτῶν of theἀδελφῶν brothersτῶν of the (ones)ἀπὸ fromἸόππης Joppaσυνῆλθαν went withαὐτῷ. him. 24  τῇ To theδὲ butἐπαύριον morrowεἰσῆλθεν he enteredεἰς intoτὴν theΚαισαρίαν· Caesarea;theδὲ butΚορνήλιος Corneliusἦν wasπροσδοκῶν expectingαὐτοὺς themσυνκαλεσάμενος having called togetherτοὺς theσυγγενεῖς relativesαὐτοῦ of himκαὶ andτοὺς theἀναγκαίους necessaryφίλους. friends. 25  Ὡς Asδὲ butἐγένετο occurredτοῦ of theεἰσελθεῖν to enterτὸν theΠέτρον, Peter,συναντήσας having metαὐτῷ to himtheΚορνήλιος Corneliusπεσὼν having fallenἐπὶ uponτοὺς theπόδας feetπροσεκύνησεν. did obeisance. 26  Theδὲ butΠέτρος Peterἤγειρεν raised upαὐτὸν himλέγων saying᾿Ανάστηθι· Stand up;καὶ andἐγὼ Iαὐτὸς very (one)ἄνθρωπός manεἰμι. I am. 27  καὶ Andσυνομιλῶν conversing withαὐτῷ himεἰσῆλθεν, he entered,καὶ andεὑρίσκει he is findingσυνεληλυθότας having come togetherπολλούς, many, 28  ἔφη saidτε andπρὸς towardαὐτούς themὙμεῖς YOUἐπίστασθε are well knowingὡς asἀθέμιτόν unlawfulἐστιν it isἀνδρὶ to male personἸουδαίῳ Jewκολλᾶσθαι to glue himselforπροσέρχεσθαι to be coming towardἀλλοφύλῳ· one of another tribe;κἀμοὶ and to metheθεὸς Godἔδειξεν showedμηδένα no oneκοινὸν commonorἀκάθαρτον uncleanλέγειν to be sayingἄνθρωπον· man; 29  διὸ whereforeκαὶ andἀναντιρήτως without contradictionἦλθον I cameμεταπεμφθείς. having been sent across.πυνθάνομαι I am inquiringοὖν thereforeτίνι to whatλόγῳ wordμετεπέμψασθέ YOU sent acrossμε. me. 30  Καὶ AndtheΚορνήλιος Corneliusἔφη said᾿Απὸ Fromτετάρτης fourthἡμέρας dayμέχρι untilταύτης thisτῆς theὥρας hourἤμην I wasτὴν theἐνάτην ninth [hour]προσευχόμενος prayingἐν inτῷ theοἴκῳ houseμου, of me,καὶ andἰδοὺ look!ἀνὴρ male personἔστη stoodἐνώπιόν in sightμου of meἐν inἐσθῆτι raimentλαμπρᾷ bright 31  καί andφησι he is sayingΚορνήλιε, Cornelius,εἰσηκούσθη was heard withinσου of youtheπροσευχὴ prayerκαὶ andαἱ theἐλεημοσύναι gifts of mercyσου of youἐμνήσθησαν were rememberedἐνώπιον in sightτοῦ of theθεοῦ· God; 32  πέμψον sendοὖν thereforeεἰς intoἸόππην Joppaκαὶ andμετακάλεσαι call acrossΣίμωνα Simonὃς whoἐπικαλεῖται is being surnamedΠέτρος· Peter;οὗτος this (one)ξενίζεται is treated as strangerἐν inοἰκίᾳ houseΣίμωνος of Simonβυρσέως tannerπαρὰ besideθάλασσαν. sea. 33  ἐξαυτῆς At onceοὖν thereforeἔπεμψα I sentπρὸς towardσέ, you,σύ youτε andκαλῶς finelyἐποίησας didπαραγενόμενος. having come to be alongside.νῦν Nowοὖν thereforeπάντες allἡμεῖς weἐνώπιον in sightτοῦ of theθεοῦ Godπάρεσμεν are alongsideἀκοῦσαι to hearπάντα allτὰ the (things)προστεταγμένα having been commandedσοι to youὑπὸ byτοῦ theκυρίου. Lord. 34  ἀνοίξας Having opened upδὲ butΠέτρος Peterτὸ theστόμα mouthεἶπεν said᾿Επ’ Uponἀληθείας truthκαταλαμβάνομαι I am receiving downὅτι thatοὐκ notἔστιν isπροσωπολήμπτης taker of facestheθεός, God, 35  ἀλλ’ butἐν inπαντὶ everyἔθνει nationthe (one)φοβούμενος fearingαὐτὸν himκαὶ andἐργαζόμενος workingδικαιοσύνην righteousnessδεκτὸς acceptableαὐτῷ to himἐστίν. is. 36  τὸν Theλόγον wordἀπέστειλεν he sent forthτοῖς to theυἱοῖς sonsἸσραὴλ of Israelεὐαγγελιζόμενος declaring as good newsεἰρήνην peaceδιὰ throughἸησοῦ JesusΧριστοῦ· Christ;οὗτός thisἐστιν isπάντων of all (them)κύριος. Lord. 37  ὑμεῖς YOUοἴδατε have knownτὸ theγενόμενον having occurredῥῆμα sayingκαθ’ downὅλης wholeτῆς theἸουδαίας, Judea,ἀρξάμενος (he) having startedἀπὸ fromτῆς theΓαλιλαίας Galileeμετὰ afterτὸ theβάπτισμα baptismwhichἐκήρυξεν preachedἸωάνης, John, 38  Ἰησοῦν Jesusτὸν the (one)ἀπὸ fromΝαζαρέθ, Nazareth,ὡς asἔχρισεν anointedαὐτὸν himtheθεὸς Godπνεύματι to spiritἁγίῳ holyκαὶ andδυνάμει, to power,ὃς whoδιῆλθεν went throughεὐεργετῶν working wellκαὶ andἰώμενος healingπάντας allτοὺς the (ones)καταδυναστευομένους being ruled downὑπὸ byτοῦ theδιαβόλου, Devil,ὅτι becausetheθεὸς Godἦν wasμετ’ withαὐτοῦ. him. 39  καὶ Andἡμεῖς weμάρτυρες witnessesπάντων of all (things)ὧν of whichἐποίησεν he didἔν inτε andτῇ theχώρᾳ countryτῶν of theἸουδαίων Jewsκαὶ andἸερουσαλήμ· Jerusalem;ὃν whomκαὶ alsoἀνεῖλαν they took upκρεμάσαντες having hungἐπὶ uponξύλου. wood. 40  τοῦτον This (one)theθεὸς Godἤγειρεν raised upτῇ to theτρίτῃ thirdἡμέρᾳ dayκαὶ andἔδωκεν he gaveαὐτὸν himἐμφανῆ manifestγενέσθαι, to become, 41  οὐ notπαντὶ to allτῷ theλαῷ peopleἀλλὰ butμάρτυσι to witnessesτοῖς the (ones)προκεχειροτονημένοις having been previously appointed [by extended hand]ὑπὸ byτοῦ theθεοῦ, God,ἡμῖν, to us,οἵτινες whoσυνεφάγομεν ate togetherκαὶ andσυνεπίομεν we drank withαὐτῷ himμετὰ afterτὸ theἀναστῆναι to stand upαὐτὸν himἐκ out ofνεκρῶν· dead (ones); 42  καὶ andπαρήγγειλεν he orderedἡμῖν to usκηρύξαι to preachτῷ to theλαῷ peopleκαὶ andδιαμαρτύρασθαι to bear thorough witnessὅτι thatοὗτός thisἐστιν isthe (one)ὡρισμένος having been definedὑπὸ byτοῦ theθεοῦ Godκριτὴς judgeζώντων of living (ones)καὶ andνεκρῶν. dead (ones). 43  τούτῳ To this oneπάντες allοἱ theπροφῆται prophetsμαρτυροῦσιν, are bearing witness,ἄφεσιν letting go offἁμαρτιῶν of sinsλαβεῖν to receiveδιὰ throughτοῦ theὀνόματος nameαὐτοῦ of himπάντα everyoneτὸν theπιστεύοντα believingεἰς intoαὐτόν. him. 44  Ἔτι Yetλαλοῦντος speakingτοῦ of theΠέτρου Peterτὰ theῥήματα sayingsταῦτα theseἐπέπεσε fell uponτὸ theπνεῦμα spiritτὸ theἅγιον holyἐπὶ uponπάντας allτοὺς the (ones)ἀκούοντας hearingτὸν theλόγον. word. 45  καὶ Andἐξέστησαν were amazedοἱ the (ones)ἐκ out ofπεριτομῆς circumcisionπιστοὶ faithfulοἳ whoσυνῆλθαν came withτῷ theΠέτρῳ, Peter,ὅτι becauseκαὶ alsoἐπὶ uponτὰ theἔθνη nationstheδωρεὰ free giftτοῦ of theπνεύματος spiritτοῦ theἁγίου holyἐκκέχυται· has been poured out; 46  ἤκουον they were hearingγὰρ forαὐτῶν of themλαλούντων speakingγλώσσαις to tonguesκαὶ andμεγαλυνόντων magnifyingτὸν theθεόν. God.τότε Thenἀπεκρίθη answeredΠέτρος Peter 47  Μήτι Not whatτὸ theὕδωρ waterδύναται is ableκωλῦσαί to forbidτις anyoneτοῦ of theμὴ notβαπτισθῆναι to be baptizedτούτους theseοἵτινες whoτὸ theπνεῦμα spiritτὸ theἅγιον holyἔλαβον receivedὡς asκαὶ alsoἡμεῖς; we? 48  προσέταξεν He commandedδὲ butαὐτοὺς themἐν inτῷ theὀνόματι nameἸησοῦ of JesusΧριστοῦ Christβαπτισθῆναι. to be baptized.τότε Thenἠρώτησαν they requestedαὐτὸν himἐπιμεῖναι to remain uponἡμέρας daysτινάς. some.
