2 Peter 2:1-22

2  ᾿Εγένοντο There occurredδὲ butκαὶ alsoψευδοπροφῆται false prophetsἐν inτῷ theλαῷ, people,ὡς asκαὶ alsoἐν inὑμῖν YOUἔσονται will beψευδοδιδάσκαλοι, false teachers,οἵτινες whoπαρεισάξουσιν will lead into besideαἱρέσεις sectsἀπωλείας, of destruction,καὶ andτὸν theἀγοράσαντα having boughtαὐτοὺς themδεσπότην masterἀρνούμενοι, denying,ἐπάγοντες leading uponἑαυτοῖς to themselvesταχινὴν swiftἀπώλειαν· destruction; 2  καὶ andπολλοὶ manyἐξακολουθήσουσιν will follow outαὐτῶν of themταῖς to theἀσελγείαις, acts of loose conduct,δι’ throughοὓς whomtheὁδὸς wayτῆς of theἀληθείας truthβλασφημηθήσεται· will be blasphemed; 3  καὶ andἐν inπλεονεξίᾳ covetousnessπλαστοῖς to moldedλόγοις wordsὑμᾶς YOUἐμπορεύσονται· they will make their way in;οἷς to whomτὸ theκρίμα judgmentἔκπαλαι out of oldοὐκ notἀργεῖ, is being ineffective,καὶ andtheἀπώλεια destructionαὐτῶν of themοὐ notνυστάζει. is nodding. 4  εἰ Ifγὰρ fortheθεὸς Godἀγγέλων of angelsἁμαρτησάντων having sinnedοὐκ notἐφείσατο, he spared,ἀλλὰ butσειροῖς to pitsζόφου of gloomταρταρώσας having cast into Tartarusπαρέδωκεν he gave besideεἰς intoκρίσιν judgmentτηρουμένους, (ones) being kept, 5  καὶ andἀρχαίου of archaicκόσμου worldοὐκ notἐφείσατο, he spared,ἀλλὰ butὄγδοον eighth (one)Νῶε Noahδικαιοσύνης of righteousnessκήρυκα preacherἐφύλαξεν, he guarded,κατακλυσμὸν cataclysmκόσμῳ to worldἀσεβῶν of irreverential (ones)ἐπάξας, having led upon, 6  καὶ andπόλεις citiesΣοδόμων of Sodomκαὶ andΓομόρρας of Gomorrahτεφρώσας having reduced to ashesκατέκρινεν, he condemned,ὑπόδειγμα exampleμελλόντων of (things) being about (to come)ἀσεβέσιν to irreverential (ones)τεθεικώς, [he] having put, 7  καὶ andδίκαιον righteousΛὼτ Lotκαταπονούμενον being afflicted downὑπὸ byτῆς theτῶν of theἀθέσμων illegal (ones)ἐν inἀσελγείᾳ lewdnessἀναστροφῆς of conductἐρύσατο,— he drew for self,— 8  βλέμματι to looking atγὰρ forκαὶ andἀκοῇ to hearingδίκαιος righteousἐνκατοικῶν dwelling withinἐν inαὐτοῖς themἡμέραν dayἐξ out ofἡμέρας dayψυχὴν soulδικαίαν righteousἀνόμοις to lawlessἔργοις worksἐβασάνιζεν,— he was tormenting— 9  οἶδεν has knownΚύριος Lordεὐσεβεῖς well-reverential (ones)ἐκ out ofπειρασμοῦ trialῥύεσθαι, to be drawing for self,ἀδίκους unrighteous (ones)δὲ butεἰς intoἡμέραν dayκρίσεως of judgmentκολαζομένους (ones) being lopped offτηρεῖν, to be keeping, 10  μάλιστα mostlyδὲ butτοὺς the (ones)ὀπίσω behindσαρκὸς fleshἐν inἐπιθυμίᾳ desireμιασμοῦ of defilementπορευομένους going their wayκαὶ andκυριότητος of lordshipκαταφρονοῦντας. minding down. τολμηταί, Daring,αὐθάδεις, self-pleasing,δόξας gloriesοὐ notτρέμουσιν, they are trembling at,βλασφημοῦντες, blaspheming, 11  ὅπου whereἄγγελοι angelsἰσχύϊ to strengthκαὶ andδυνάμει to powerμείζονες greaterὄντες beingοὐ notφέρουσιν they are bearingκατ’ down onαὐτῶν themπαρὰ besideΚυρίῳ Lordβλάσφημον blasphemousκρίσιν. judgment. 12  οὗτοι These (ones)δέ, but,ὡς asἄλογα unreasoningζῷα living thingsγεγεννημένα having been generatedφυσικὰ naturalεἰς intoἅλωσιν captureκαὶ andφθοράν, corruption,ἐν inοἷς which (things)ἀγνοοῦσιν they are not knowingβλασφημοῦντες, blaspheming,ἐν inτῇ theφθορᾷ corruptionαὐτῶν of themκαὶ alsoφθαρήσονται, they will be corrupted, 13  ἀδικούμενοι treating themselves unrighteouslyμισθὸν wageἀδικίας· of unrighteousness; ἡδονὴν Pleasureἡγούμενοι consideringτὴν theἐν inἡμέρᾳ dayτρυφήν, luxury,σπίλοι spotsκαὶ andμῶμοι blemishesἐντρυφῶντες living in luxuryἐν inταῖς theἀπάταις seductionsαὐτῶν of themσυνευωχούμενοι feeding selves well togetherὑμῖν, to YOU, 14  ὀφθαλμοὺς eyesἔχοντες [they] havingμεστοὺς fullμοιχαλίδος of adulteressκαὶ andἀκαταπαύστους unceasing downἁμαρτίας, of sin,δελεάζοντες baiting onψυχὰς soulsἀστηρίκτους, not firmly fixed,καρδίαν heartγεγυμνασμένην having been trained (like gymnast)πλεονεξίας of covetousnessἔχοντες, [they] having,κατάρας of curseτέκνα, children, 15  καταλείποντες leaving downεὐθεῖαν straightὁδὸν wayἐπλανήθησαν, they were made to err,ἐξακολουθήσαντες having followed outτῇ to theὁδῷ wayτοῦ of theΒαλαὰμ Balaamτοῦ of theΒεὼρ Beorὃς whoμισθὸν rewardἀδικίας of unrighteousnessἠγάπησεν loved 16  ἔλεγξιν reproofδὲ butἔσχεν he hadἰδίας of ownπαρανομίας· exceeding of law;ὑποζύγιον beast under yokeἄφωνον voicelessἐν inἀνθρώπου of manφωνῇ voiceφθεγξάμενον having uttered soundἐκώλυσεν it hinderedτὴν theτοῦ of theπροφήτου prophetπαραφρονίαν. beside-mindedness. 17  οὗτοί These (ones)εἰσιν areπηγαὶ fountainsἄνυδροι waterlessκαὶ andὁμίχλαι mistsὑπὸ byλαίλαπος violent windstormἐλαυνόμεναι, being driven,οἷς to whomtheζόφος gloomτοῦ of theσκότους darknessτετήρηται. has been kept. 18  ὑπέρογκα Over-swelling (things)γὰρ forματαιότητος of vanityφθεγγόμενοι uttering sound ofδελεάζουσιν they are baiting onἐν inἐπιθυμίαις desiresσαρκὸς of fleshἀσελγείαις to loose habitsτοὺς the (ones)ὀλίγως by littleἀποφεύγοντας fleeing fromτοὺς the (ones)ἐν inπλάνῃ errorἀναστρεφομένους, being turned up, 19  ἐλευθερίαν freedomαὐτοῖς to themἐπαγγελλόμενοι, [they] promising,αὐτοὶ very (ones)δοῦλοι slavesὑπάρχοντες existingτῆς of theφθορᾶς· corruption;to whomγάρ forτις anyoneἥττηται, has been made less,τούτῳ to this (one)δεδούλωται. he has been enslaved. 20  εἰ Ifγὰρ forἀποφυγόντες having fled fromτὰ theμιάσματα defilementsτοῦ of theκόσμου worldἐν inἐπιγνώσει accurate knowledgeτοῦ of theκυρίου Lordκαὶ andσωτῆρος SaviorἸησοῦ of JesusΧριστοῦ Christτούτοις to these (things)δὲ butπάλιν againἐμπλακέντες having been inwovenἡττῶνται, they are being made less,γέγονεν it has becomeαὐτοῖς to themτὰ theἔσχατα last (things)χείρονα worseτῶν of theπρώτων. first (things). 21  κρεῖττον Betterγὰρ forἦν it wasαὐτοῖς to themμὴ notἐπεγνωκέναι to have accurately knownτὴν theὁδὸν wayτῆς of theδικαιοσύνης righteousnessthanἐπιγνοῦσιν to (ones) having accurately knownὑποστρέψαι to turn underἐκ out ofτῆς theπαραδοθείσης having been given besideαὐτοῖς to themἁγίας of holyἐντολῆς· commandment; 22  συμβέβηκεν has stepped togetherαὐτοῖς to themτὸ the (thing)τῆς of theἀληθοῦς trueπαροιμίας proverbΚύων Dogἐπιστρέψας having turned uponἐπὶ uponτὸ theἴδιον ownἐξέραμα, vomit,καί and῟Υς Sowλουσαμένη having been bathedεἰς intoκυλισμὸν rollingβορβόρου. of mire.
