Psalm 63:1-11

(A psalm of David’s when he was in the wilderness of Judah.) 63  God, you are my Deity;I go in quest of you;My soul thirsts for you, my flesh faints for you,like a droughty and thirsty country without water. 2  Thus have I sought for the vision of you,to see your power and glory, 3  Because your friendship is better than life;my lips shall praise you. 4  Thus I will bless you while I live,will raise my hands in your name. 5  My soul will have its fill as if of fat and dripping,and my mouth shall give praise with caroling lips. 6  If I remember you on my couch,in the hours of night I muse on you. 7  For you have been a help to meand in the shadow of your wings I carol. 8  My soul keeps close behind youbecause your right hand holds me fast. 9  But they, they accomplish nothing by hunting for my life;they shall go into the lowest depths of the earth, 10  Shall be laid low by the sword,shall be the portion of foxes. 11  And the king, he will rejoice in Jehovah,everyone who swears by him shall boast,because those who are speaking falsely will be gagged.
