Psalm 58:1-11

(Of the Director; “Do Not Spoil”; of David’s, a mictam.) 58  Do you indeed, notables, speak right,judge even-handedly the sons of men? 2  Nay, at heart you practice foul play,in the country your hands aim for outrage. 3  Tyrants are congenital perverts;Falsifiers have gone wrong ever since they came out of their mother’s bodies. 4  The venom they have is the counterpart of a snake’s venom;like a deaf viper that plugs its ear, 5  That will not listen to the voice of charmers,of wisest sorcerer. 6  God, demolish their teeth in their mouths!break down young lions’ fangs, Jehovah! 7  Let them dissolve like water running down a slope;like dead grass let them be mowed— 8  Like a slug that melts off as it goes along,an abortion that has not looked upon the sun. 9  Let their shoots dry out and be cut offlike thornbushes, like briers, like weed-stalks, be blown away. 10  Let a right-doer be glad because he has looked upon vengeance, let him bathe his feet in the wrong-doer’s blood, 11  That mankind may say “O, but the right-doer does get fruit;O, but there are gods that judge on earth.”
