Psalm 41:1-13
(Of the Director; a psalm of David’s.)
41 Happy is one who acts considerately toward a poor man:on a day of disaster Jehovah will see him through.
2 Jehovah will guard him and give him life;he shall run a happy course in the country;do not give him up to the will of his enemies.
3 Jehovah will uphold him on his invalid couch;you make all his bed in his sickness.
4 Say I, Be gracious to me, Jehovah;heal my soul, because I have sinned against you.
5 My enemies say bad words for me,“how soon will he die and his name perish?”
6 And if one comes to see, his heart is talking untoward things; he accumulates villainy, goes out on the street and talks.
7 All who hate me are whispering over me together,planning over me a mischief for me:
8 “His bale is washing over him,and from where he has lain down he will never get up.”
9 Even the man I was on the best terms with, in whom I had confidence,who ate my bread, has tricked me grossly.
10 Do you, Jehovah, be gracious to me and set me on my feet,and I will pay them back.
11 By this I know you hold me dear,that my enemies do not hurrah over me.
12 And me you hold up in my integrityand have me standing before you forever.
13 Blessed be Israel’s God Jehovahfrom all eternity to all eternity.Amen and amen.