Psalm 34:1-22

(Of David’s, when he pretended before Abimelec that his wits were unsettled, and he turned him out and he went off.) 34  I will bless Jehovah at every time;always in my mouth is his praise. 2  Of Jehovah my soul will make its boast;humble men shall hear and be glad. 3  Proclaim Jehovah’s greatness with meand let us exalt his name together. 4  I invoked Jehovah, and he answered meand delivered me from all my terrors. 5  Look toward him and brighten up,and let your faces not be abashed. 6  This was a wretched man, who called and Jehovah heard itand saved him out of all his distresses. 7  Jehovah’s angel campsaround those who fear him and rescues them. 8  Taste and see that Jehovah is good;happy is the man who takes refuge in him. 9  Fear Jehovah, you who are consecrated to him,for those who fear him have no scarcity. 10  Lions in their youthful prime may go poor and hungry,but those who invoke Jehovah shall not have too little of everything good. 11  Come, sons, listen to me,I will teach you the fear of Jehovah. 12  Who is the man that would like life,that loves years to see good in? 13  Keep your tongue from eviland your lips from uttering cheat; 14  Shun what is bad and do what is good;try for a wholesome life and follow it up. 15  Jehovah’s eyes are toward honest menand his ears are toward their call; 16  Jehovah’s face is against doers of evilto blot out from earth the memory of them. 17  They cry, and Jehovah hearsand delivers them out of all their distresses. 18  Jehovah is near to the brokenheartedand saves the battered-down in spirit. 19  Many evils an honest man suffers,but out of them all Jehovah delivers him. 20  He guards all his bones;not one of them is broken. 21  An evil will give a guilty man his death-stroke,and those who hate an honest man shall stand condemned. 22  Jehovah redeems his servants’ lives,and none shall stand condemned of those who take refuge in him.
