Psalm 3:1-8
(A psalm of David’s when he was in flight before his son Absalom.)
3 Jehovah, how thick come my foes!Many are standing up against me,
2 Many are saying of my soul“There is no help for him in his God.” (Selah)
3 But you, Jehovah, are a shield before me,my glory and the uplifter of my head.
4 Aloud to Jehovah I call,and he has answered me from his sacred mountain. (Selah)
5 I have lain down and gone to sleepand waked up, because Jehovah supports me.
6 I will not be afraid of thousands upon thousands of peoplewho on all sides have beset me.
7 Stand up, Jehovah, save me, my God;For you have struck all my enemies on the jaw,broken the teeth of malefactors.
8 Salvation is a thing of Jehovah’s;your blessing be on your people! [Selah]