Psalm 137:1-9

137  By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down,wept withal, when we remembered Sion. 2  Within it we hung our lyreson poplar trees, 3  Because there our captors asked us for words of songand our persecutors for merrymaking,“Sing us some of the songs of Sion.” 4  How are we to sing Jehovah’s songon foreign soil? 5  If I forget you, Jerusalem,may my right hand forget how to work! 6  May my tongue stick to the roof of my mouth if I do not remember,if I do not put Jerusalem higher than the peak of my happiness. 7  Remember Jerusalem’s day, Jehovah, for the sons of Edom,those who said “Clear it off, clear it off, to the foundation of it.” 8  Doomed daughter of Babylon,happy he who shall pay you backthe treatment you have given us! 9  Happy he who shall takeand dash out against the crags the brains of the children that playabout in you!
