Psalm 124:1-8
(Song of the goings up; of David’s.)
124 If it had not been for Jehovah that was on our side,let Israel say,
2 If it had not been for Jehovah that was on our sidewhen man stood up against us,
3 Then they would have swallowed us alivein their anger against us;
4 Then the water would have swept us off,an arroyo flood have gone over our lives;
5 Then the blustering waterwould have gone over our lives.
6 Blessed be Jehovah, who did notgive us up as prey to their teeth.
7 We feel like a bird that gets out of a fowler’s trap;the trap broke and we are out!
8 Our help is in the name of Jehovah,maker of heavens and earth.