Habakkuk 3:1-19

3  The prayer of Ha·bakʹkuk the prophet in dirges:*  O Jehovah, I have heard the report about you.+ I have become afraid, O Jehovah, of your activity.+ In the midst of [the] years O bring it to life! In the midst of [the] years may you make it known. During the agitation, to show mercy may you remember.+  God* himself proceeded to come from Teʹman,* even a Holy One from Mount Paʹran.+ Seʹlah.*+ His dignity covered [the] heavens;+ and with his praise the earth became filled.+  As for [his]* brightness, it got to be just like the light.+ He had two rays* [issuing] out of his hand, and there the hiding of his strength was.+  Before him pestilence kept going,+ and burning fever would go forth at his feet.+  He stood still, that he might shake up [the] earth.+ He saw, and then caused nations to leap.+ And the eternal mountains got to be smashed;+ the indefinitely lasting hills bowed down.+ The walkings of long ago are his.  Under what is hurtful I saw the tents of Cuʹshan.* The tent cloths of the land of Midʹi·an+ began to be agitated.+  Is it against the rivers, O Jehovah, is it against the rivers that your anger has become hot,+ or is your fury against the sea?+ For you went riding upon your horses;+ your chariots were salvation.+  In [its] nakedness your bow comes to be uncovered.+ The sworn oaths of [the] tribes are the thing said.*+ Seʹlah. With rivers you proceeded to split [the] earth.+ 10  Mountains saw you; they got to be in severe pains.+ A thunderstorm of waters passed through. The watery deep* gave forth its sound.+ On high its hands it lifted up. 11  Sun—moon—stood still,+ in the lofty abode thereof.+ Like light your own arrows kept going.+ The lightning of your spear served for brightness.+ 12  With denunciation you went marching [through] the earth. In anger you went threshing [the] nations.+ 13  And you went forth for the salvation of your people,+ to save your anointed one.* You broke to pieces the head one out of the house of the wicked one.+ There was a laying of the foundation bare, clear up to the neck.+ Seʹlah. 14  With his own rods you pierced+ [the] head of his warriors [when] they moved tempestuously to scatter me.+ Their high glee was as of those bent on devouring an afflicted one in a place of concealment.+ 15  Through the sea you trod [with] your horses, [through] the heap of vast waters.+ 16  I heard, and my belly began to be agitated; at the sound my lips quivered; rottenness began to enter into my bones;+ and in my situation I was agitated, that I should quietly wait for* the day of distress,+ for [his] coming up to the people,+ [that] he may raid them. 17  Although [the] fig tree itself may not blossom,+ and there may be no yield on the vines; the work of [the] olive tree may actually turn out a failure, and the terraces themselves may actually produce no food;+ [the] flock may actually be severed from [the] pen, and there may be no herd in the enclosures;+ 18  Yet, as for me, I will exult in Jehovah himself;+ I will be joyful in the God* of my salvation.+ 19  Jehovah the Sovereign Lord is my vital energy;+ and he will make my feet like those of the hinds,+ and upon my high places he will cause me to tread.+


“Dirges.” Heb., shigh·yo·nohthʹ; LXX, “a song”; Vg, “(for) ignorant acts; (for) ignorances.” See Ps 7:Sup ftn, “Dirge.”
“God.” Heb., ʼElohʹah, sing.; Gr., The·osʹ; Lat., Deʹus.
“From Teman.” Heb., mit·Teh·manʹ; Gr., ek Thai·manʹ. Or, “from the south,” as in Vg; compare Ex 26:18, 35.
“Selah.” Heb., seʹlah; Gr., di·aʹpsal·ma, “musical interlude.” The word occurs three times in this prayer of Habakkuk. See Ps 3:2 ftn, “Selah.”
“His,” LXXSyVg; M omits.
Lit., “horns.” Compare Ex 34:29, 30, 35.
“Cushan,” MSy; LXX, “the Ethiopians”; Vg, “Ethiopia.”
“In [its] nakedness . . . the thing said,” M; LXXBagster, “Surely thou didst bend thy bow at sceptres, saith the Lord [LXXVTS 10a, “Jehovah”].” See App 1C §2.
Or, “surging waters.” Heb., tehohmʹ; Syr., tehu·maʼ; LXXVg, “abyss.” See Ge 1:2 ftn, “Deep.”
“Your anointed one.” Heb., meshi·cheʹkha; LXXBagster(Gr.), khri·stonʹ; Lat., chriʹsto.
“I should wail (lament) before,” KB, p. 602.
“In the God of.” Heb., bEʼ·lo·hehʹ.