Youths Helped to Deal With Bullying at School
Hugo, aged ten, recently received a Diana Award from a British charity for his work in helping students at his school deal with bullying.
Hugo said: “I owe this award to the whiteboard video Beat a Bully Without Using Your Fists. I became a good anti-bullying ambassador only because of what I learned from that video on”
“Bullying happens to kids all around the world every day . . . , but . . . you can do something about it.” (Excerpt from Beat a Bully Without Using Your Fists)
Hugo showed the Beat a Bully animation to his teachers first. Impressed, they arranged for the website to be made available to all the students. Many of the eight- to ten-year-olds in Hugo’s school now regularly use They say that it has helped them not only to cope with problems like bullying but also to answer questions such as, How can I make real friends?
Positive Strategies Benefit Young People
At another British school, eight-year-old Elijah was being bullied. He and his family carefully considered the Beat a Bully video. Together they rehearsed what he could say and do when he was being bullied. This gave Elijah the confidence to deal successfully with the problem. Later, during anti-bullying week, Elijah’s head teacher showed the video to the whole school.
Bullying, of course, is not a problem unique to Britain. It happens all over the world, and this whiteboard video is helping young ones everywhere.
In the United States, ten-year-old Ivie was afraid of a classmate who bullied her. After watching the Beat a Bully video, Ivie found the courage to face up to the girl. She also talked to her teacher, who helped with the situation. The classmate apologized, and she and Ivie now get along well.
Jehovah’s Witnesses are concerned about the well-being of young people. We will continue to publish practical advice to help them deal with everyday problems such as bullying.