Song 74 The Joy of Jehovah PLAY The Joy of Jehovah Sorry, the media player failed to load. Download This Video Show Text Version Hide Text Version (Nehemiah 8:10) 1. Signs of the times are heralding the Kingdom. Good news we tell for all to hear. Lift up your heads, and look to your salvation; Time for deliverance is near! (CHORUS) The joy of Jehovah is our stronghold. Sing loud, and raise a joyful cry. Rejoice in the hope, and show a grateful heart, All give praise and laud our God on high. The joy of Jehovah is our stronghold. His name all men must come to know. With constant devotion to our God and King, Godly joy in service we will show. 2. Look to our God, you lovers of Jehovah. No need to fear, for he is strong. Stand up and shout with voices loud as thunder; Sing to our God a joyous song! (CHORUS) The joy of Jehovah is our stronghold. Sing loud, and raise a joyful cry. Rejoice in the hope, and show a grateful heart, All give praise and laud our God on high. The joy of Jehovah is our stronghold. His name all men must come to know. With constant devotion to our God and King, Godly joy in service we will show. (See also 1 Chron. 16:27; Ps. 112:4; Luke 21:28; John 8:32.) Previous Next Print Share Share The Joy of Jehovah Sing to Jehovah The Joy of Jehovah American Sign Language The Joy of Jehovah /assets/ct/ebc521c5d3/images/syn_placeholder_sqr.png sn song 74