Song 21 Happy, the Merciful! PLAY Happy, the Merciful! Sorry, the media player failed to load. Download This Video Show Text Version Hide Text Version (Matthew 5:7) 1. How happy are the merciful! In God’s eyes they are beautiful. They tell to all who love the right That God in mercy takes delight. Through Jesus, mercy God displayed, Provision for our ransom made. He offers mercy to the meek Because he knows our frame is weak. 2. Those merciful like God are blessed; Through sins forgiven they have rest. They benefit by mercy shown, Since Christ appeared before God’s throne. This mercy they would gladly share By preaching God’s Word ev’rywhere, By telling men, “Be of good cheer Because the Kingdom now is here.” 3. The meek will see Jehovah’s love When they are judged by him above. His mercy they will really know, Since they, like him, true mercy show. So merciful let’s strive to be And cultivate that quality. Our God and Christ have shown the way; May we show mercy ev’ry day. (See also Luke 6:36; Rom. 12:8; Jas. 2:13.) Previous Next Print Share Share Happy, the Merciful! Sing to Jehovah Happy, the Merciful! American Sign Language Happy, the Merciful! /assets/ct/ebc521c5d3/images/syn_placeholder_sqr.png sn song 21