Physical Health
Dealing With Growing Pains
This worksheet can help you get through the challenges of puberty.
Health Threats
What Should I Know About Alcohol?
Learn how to avoid legal trouble, a damaged reputation, sexual assault, addiction, and death.
Alcohol—What Would You Do?
This worksheet will help you prepare to deal with pressure to drink.
Think Past the Drink
Under the influence of alcohol, many say and do things they later regret. How can you protect yourself from the trouble and danger of alcohol abuse?
Don’t Let Your Life Go Up in Smoke
While many people smoke or vape, others have quit and some are desperately trying to quit. Why? Is smoking really that bad?
What Should I Know About Smoking and Vaping?
There is more involved than the ‘fun’ that celebrities or your peers seem to have while doing it. Learn about the risks and how to avoid them.
Healthy Living
Young People Talk About Healthy Lifestyles
Do you find it hard to eat right and exercise? In this clip young people share what they do to stay healthy.
How Can I Get More Sleep?
Seven practical steps can help you get a better night’s sleep.
How Can I Get Motivated to Exercise?
Besides improving your physical health, are there any other benefits to regular exercise?
How Can I Lose Weight?
If you need to lose weight, don’t think in terms of following a diet but of adopting a healthy lifestyle.
Be Smart—Be Clean
Keeping things clean and organized is always better for you and those around you. It can keep you healthy and reduce stress.