What if My Parents Are Divorcing?

What if My Parents Are Divorcing?

What you can do

 Discuss your concerns. Let your parents know how sad or confused you are. Maybe they will be able to explain what is happening and thus lessen your anxiety.

 If your parents are unable to give you the support you need, you may be able to confide in a mature friend.—Proverbs 17:17.

 Above all, you can find a listening ear with your heavenly Father, the “Hearer of prayer.” (Psalm 65:2) Pour out your heart to him “because he cares for you.”—1 Peter 5:7.

What not to do

 Don’t hold a grudge. “My parents were selfish,” says Daniel, whose parents split up when he was seven. “They didn’t really think about us and how what they did would affect us.”

 What harm could come to Daniel if he refused to let go of his anger and resentment?—Clue: Read Proverbs 29:22.

 Why might it be good for Daniel to try to forgive his parents for the hurt they have caused him?—Clue: Read Ephesians 4:31, 32.

 Avoid self-destructive behavior. “I was unhappy and depressed after my parents’ divorce,” recalls Denny. “I started having problems in school and failed one year. After that ... I became the class clown and got into a lot of fights.”

 What, do you think, was Denny trying to accomplish by becoming the class clown or getting into fights?

 How might the principle at Galatians 6:7 help people like Denny avoid self-destructive behavior?

 Emotional injuries take time to heal. As your life regains some semblance of regularity, however, you will begin to feel normal again.