How Can I Succeed at Distance Learning?

How Can I Succeed at Distance Learning?

 Many students are now getting their education in a different kind of “classroom”—their home. If that’s true of you, how can you make the best of it? Here are some suggestions. a

 Five tips to help you succeed

  •   Plan your routine. Try to maintain a regular schedule, just as you would if you were at school. Set aside specific times for schoolwork, chores, and other important matters. You can adjust your schedule as needed.

     Bible principle: “Let all things take place . . . in an orderly manner.”—1 Corinthians 14:40, footnote.

     “Treat your day as if you were at school. You have to get things done at a certain time.”—Katie.

     To think about: Why is it a good idea to write down your schedule and put it where you will easily see it?

  •   Cultivate self-discipline. Part of growing up is realizing that sometimes you have to tackle the work at hand—even when you aren’t motivated. Don’t procrastinate!

     Bible principle: “Be industrious, do not loiter at your business.”—Romans 12:11, footnote.

     “The biggest challenge is self-discipline. It’s easy to make excuses and say, ‘I’ll do my schoolwork later.’ Then you don’t do it later, and you end up getting behind.”—Alexandra.

     To think about: How can doing your schoolwork in the same place and at the same time each day increase your self-discipline?

  •   Create a study space. Have on hand all the materials you need. Make your learning environment comfortable, but not cozy. You’re there to work, not to snooze! If you can’t have a dedicated area for your schoolwork, maybe the kitchen or a bedroom could be set aside as your study space during your school period.

     Bible principle: “The plans of the diligent surely lead to success.”—Proverbs 21:5.

     “Put away the basketball and the video games, silence your phone, and put the guitar in its case. An environment free from distractions is essential.”—Elizabeth.

     To think about: What adjustments could you make so that your study area is set up for learning?

  •   Learn to focus. Concentrate on the subject at hand, and don’t multitask. If you try to do several things at once, you’re more likely to make mistakes and take longer to complete your work.

     Bible principle: “[Make] the best use of your time.”—Ephesians 5:16.

     “Staying focused was impossible when I had my phone next to me. I wasted a lot of time doing unproductive things.”—Olivia.

     To think about: Could you gradually increase the amount of time you can focus on one assignment?

  •   Take breaks. Go for a walk, ride your bike, or exercise. A hobby too can refresh you. “But get your work done first,” says the book School Power. “Free time feels freer when you don’t have unfinished business.”

     Bible principle: “Better is a handful of rest than two handfuls of hard work and chasing after the wind.”—Ecclesiastes 4:6.

     “In school you usually can learn to play a musical instrument or take an art class. I didn’t realize how much I missed those things until they were gone. It’s good to supplement your schooling with a creative hobby.”—Taylor.

     To think about: What kind of breaks will help you resume your schoolwork with a clear mind?

a There are many kinds of distance-learning arrangements. Use the suggestions in this article that apply to your situation.